Sometimes a picture is worth a million words.
POTENTIALITY, among all its many properties, property sets interactions and interaction sets spawns Monads, and the Monads reach out to each other with streams of information’.

For your science heads out there, or at least ‘science fiction heads’ this is like a graphical representation of what happens in Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question”, where all that came apart comes back together.
Only, unlike Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (see below section***), there is no ‘top level goal’ of everything coming together and staying that way,
it is a pure impulse from the Monads, to regain their original state of information totality, but POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS themselves have no ‘singular desire’ to come back together. It’s like a Kaleidoscope, sure, everything may fall into a master pattern, but the next instant it’s all ‘broken by design again”. Sure it’s fun to put a jigsaw puzzle together, but after you are done, you put the pieces back in the box.
By focusing our ‘egos’ on POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS (our right brain hemisphere channels POTENTIALITY/wholistic vision/the unconscious, and our left brain hemisphere/ego channels AWARENESS/EGO/rational thought), we gain access to the CORE REALITY
not any particular temporary patterns, which includes Monads by the way. Platonic Surrealism does not worship Monads nor seek for them to be eternal, as they rise and fall like any other temporary wave in the ocean of reality.
***””The Omega Point” is a book written by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French philosopher and Jesuit priest, first published in 1950. The book is a comprehensive work that outlines Teilhard’s philosophical and theological views on the nature of the universe, human evolution, and the ultimate destiny of humanity.
Key Concepts
- The Omega Point: Teilhard proposes that the universe is evolving towards a final point, which he calls the Omega Point. This point represents the maximum level of complexity and consciousness that the universe can attain.
- Convergence: Teilhard argues that the universe is undergoing a process of convergence, where all things are moving towards a common center. This convergence is driven by the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of the universe.
- Noosphere: Teilhard introduces the concept of the noosphere, which refers to the realm of human thought and consciousness. He argues that the noosphere is a distinct layer of reality that is emerging from the biosphere (the realm of living organisms).
- Christogenesis: Teilhard sees the Omega Point as being embodied in the person of Christ, who represents the ultimate convergence of the universe. He argues that the universe is undergoing a process of “Christogenesis,” where all things are being drawn towards Christ.
Implications and Legacy
Teilhard’s ideas in “The Omega Point” have had a significant impact on various fields, including theology, philosophy, and science. His concepts of convergence, the noosphere, and Christogenesis have influenced thinkers such as Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, and Ilia Delio.
Criticisms and Controversies
Teilhard’s ideas have also been subject to criticisms and controversies. Some have argued that his views on evolution and the nature of the universe are too speculative and lack empirical evidence. Others have criticized his theological views as being too broad and inclusive, and for undermining traditional Christian doctrine.
“The Omega Point” is a thought-provoking and influential work that challenges readers to think about the ultimate destiny of the universe and humanity’s place within it. While Teilhard’s ideas have been subject to criticisms and controversies, they remain an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about the nature of the universe and our place within it.”
As a metaphor, this is de Chardin meets Krishna and the Buddha!
Kevin Cann