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I’ve been writing about this for years, indirectly. Really, everything that I have ever written comes down to this in the human world (as a bee-line process from Monads which moderate POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS.

I know it’s always said that the Phenomenon cannot be understood that Humans too cannot be understood in any ultimate sense, as once you meditate deeply enough, it’s peeling the onion, that there is no ‘core’ there. No ‘core self’. And in a sense that is true — at first. But eventually you come to identify with EVERYTHING. That there is only one core ‘SELF’ that exists.

But in Platonic Surrealism, like in hidden realizations of even major nondual teachers, there are myriad TEMPORARY SELVES (‘monads’ and descendent ‘data processing structures’), that are constantly changing, growing, entering and leaving relationships with each other “monads and monad substructures), so it is incorrectly assumed that there is no ‘permanent self’. But the ‘impermanence IS the permanence’.

For example, our brains, though they are only the mediators of consciousness, not the source of it, if you look at it, are like those monads; the neurons constantly changing, growing, forming, pruning connections. So, while people come to realize that there is no little magic man/woman in the brain (‘the permanent ego’), what IS permanent is that POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS are constantly and concurrently sending out ‘little remote probes’ into all the worlds and times that it dreams up, so that there are pallet’s for living beings to exist.

Let’s take a look at the Mitochondria at this point, so that we can draw further inferences:

“Mitochondria: The Powerhouses of Human Cells

Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of human cells. These tiny organelles are responsible for generating most of the energy that our cells need to function properly. Here’s how they do it:

  • Cellular Respiration: Mitochondria convert the energy stored in the food we eat (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process is called cellular respiration.
  • Energy Production: Mitochondria produce ATP through a series of chemical reactions that involve the breakdown of glucose and other organic molecules. This process releases energy, which is then stored in the form of ATP.
  • Powering Cellular Functions: ATP is the primary energy currency of our cells. It powers various cellular functions, such as muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and protein synthesis.

Lynn Margulis: A Pioneer in Mitochondrial Research

Lynn Margulis (1938-2011) was an American biologist who made significant contributions to our understanding of mitochondria and their role in cellular evolution. Her work challenged the traditional view of cellular evolution and proposed a new theory of endosymbiosis.

  • Endosymbiotic Theory: Margulis proposed that mitochondria evolved from ancient bacteria that were engulfed by the cells of early eukaryotes. Over time, these bacteria evolved into mitochondria, which became an integral part of eukaryotic cells.
  • Impact on Our Understanding of Mitochondria: Margulis’ work revolutionized our understanding of mitochondria and their role in cellular evolution. Her theory of endosymbiosis provided a new framework for understanding the origins of mitochondria and their relationship with the rest of the cell.

Margulis’ contributions to the field of cellular biology have had a lasting impact on our understanding of mitochondria and their role in powering human cells.” –

Philosophical Fallout of the Very Real, Undisputed Facts about ‘Engulfed Beings’

I’ve heard it said that in a sense like Richard Dawkin’s ‘selfish genes’, in this model it’s the ‘genes’ that are the real passengers, and humans are the bodies which host them, which take care of them and pass them on.

In a similar sense, we are ‘containers’ for the ‘alien life forms’, the mitochondria. In a sense, the same Richard Dawkins metaphor applies.

So, who is being victimized?

The mitochondria? No, they are one of the most successful forms of life on the planet. Nearly ALL living things on Earth protect them, defend them, and pass them on into the future.

Humans? No. Without mitochondria there WOULD BE NO HUMANS AT ALL. There are long case studies that I won’t bore you with, but without the Mitochondria Eukaryotic cells and life WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE, due to the large energy requirements of these forms of life.

Mitochondria are little super-efficient power cells.

Are human demons’ that are ‘feeding on them’? No.

Are Mitochondria infesting demons? No.

The Little Discussed Fallout of Unity of Being

If only one being exists, and matter, energy and thought are all emergent properties of this being (not ‘god’, there is no ‘god’ in Platonic Surrealism, only POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and the play/imagination products that result).

Then everything is an information structure. Beings, Galaxies, Rocks.


And, as we have seen in Nature, there are structures that kill and eat other structures, and others, like the Mitochondria, some of the most successful being in reality, are in a wildly symbiotic relationship with all of life.

In short, ‘god’ (POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS) are ‘self-feeders’. It could be no other way, given that only one thing exists.

The “Phenomenon’s Fear”

So, the ‘Phenomenon’ is an imaginal collective of play products that cross space and time. There are pleasant parts of it, from the human perspective, and there are parts that seem far less pleasant to humans (the old ‘angels and demons’ concept, a relatively new concept, a ‘perversion’ really.

Really, everyone is both someone’s ‘demon’ and someone’s ‘angel’.

There’s this hysteria concept that ‘demons’ exist, and are wholly evil, and that they wish to corrupt and possess humans. Concepts like that didn’t really come along until after about 500 ACE, so it’s a relatively new concept developed, as a fear mechanism, used to control the will of people by religious authorities.

Really, it’s the exact opposite. It’s the HUMANS that have corrupted ‘nature elementals’ one might say, what was once beautiful, and innocent has been ‘fed back into’ the Phenomenon’ turning it into something it never wanted to be.

If anybody is a ‘demon’ it’s human beings.

We are committing global genocide on something like 150 unique, innocent species per day. (Ref:,as%2010%20percent%20a%20decade.)

The ‘Phenomenon’ first started educating me when I was twelve, 51 years ago, about this issue, and about the hysterical reaction that would come from humans when the situation was understood. So, there has been a great reluctance for the true nature of the Phenomenon to come out.

Perhaps it’s time.

It would seem so.

Humans are ‘cosmic mitochondria’ for the ‘Larger Life’ (Mind at large)

What is the Larger Life

  • Platonic Surrealism is all about ‘the larger life, but let’s use the words of Bernardo Kastrup, as mediated by Please note that ‘the mind at large is originally a phrase used by Aldous Huxley and redefined by various people including Bernardo.

    Beyond the Illusion of Separation: The “mind at large” is the recognition that we are not separate individuals trapped within a material world. Instead, we are expressions of One Consciousness, experiencing itself subjectively through individual perspectives.
  • Unity Consciousness: The “mind at large” is the experience of unity – not just with other humans, but with all of existence. It’s the realization that we are all interconnected and part of a single, indivisible reality.
  • Transcending the Ego: The “mind at large” involves transcending the ego, which is a limited and illusory sense of self. By relinquishing the ego’s grip, we can experience the boundless freedom and joy of being Consciousness itself.
  • Living in Presence: The “mind at large” is about living in the present moment, fully aware of the ever-changing nature of experience. It’s about embracing the flow of life without clinging to fixed identities or clinging to past or future.

Key Differences from Huxley:

  • Source of Liberation: For Kastrup, liberation comes from within, through the realization of our true nature. Huxley’s “mind at large” is imposed by a controlling society.
  • Nature of Reality: Kastrup sees reality as fundamentally conscious, while Huxley’s World State denies the true nature of consciousness.
  • Focus: Kastrup emphasizes inner transformation and the realization of our true nature, while Huxley’s focus is on social and political critique.

In essence, for Kastrup, the “mind at large” is not an illusion, but the ultimate reality waiting to be discovered within each of us. It’s the experience of liberation from the limitations of the ego and the realization of our true nature as Consciousness itself.”

Why Humans are Imaginal ‘Mitochondria’ and Not Just Food

You’ve noticed perhaps that humans are NEVER ‘killed by UFOs’ or the ‘Paranormal’?

Despite all the fear and wonder induced (which releases cortisol, which is part of a transport system to transit ‘imaginal energy’ from humans, humans are NOT killed.

Yes, some are harmed, especially by SIDE EFFECTS, such as 1.6 GHZ electromagnetic energy, or harmed when ‘abducted’ (I’m not denying harm in abduction, but that is a subject for another paper).

You could say that humans are being ‘farmed’, but that’s not accurate, not in the hysterical sense that humans take it.

We aren’t ‘farming the mitochondria in our cells’ and the mitochondria are not farming us.

We need to get past the inaccurate hysteria.

Humans are part of a vast, beautiful, loving and yes, sometimes terrifying being, and we are TREASURED.

Not as food.

But as imaginal generators of consciousness. As creative catalysts. As artists. As co-creators.

The Fae People

The ‘Fae’ really exist. They evolved from the ‘death fragments’ that humans generate after death; once dead, humans don’t need all that temporarily accumulated ‘dream energy’ they accumulated during life, as they are part of a greater structure.

UFO Entities

They also exist. They are created by ‘UFO frenzy’.

Heavens and Hells

They also exist, for some, in a limited form. They are also created by the dream substance generated by human beings.

Humans are like cryptocurrency computing results, for all the information entities (the only type of entity that exists).

Putting it all Together

From my perspective, from my observations, this should all be provable in the lab, to some degree at any rate. I’ve been involved with every step of the process of dream substance formation, as revealed to me by my own being, and memories of concurrent lives, through Kundalini yoga practice, from a NDE and a ‘UFO summoning’.

Long Term Abductees and Experiencers

That comes out the far end of things, ALWAYS ‘come to accommodation’.

By that I mean, they agree to share information, love and interaction, and once they do, oftentimes, the terrifying events come to a stop.

This is not ‘making a deal with a demon’.

It’s a cell interacting with its mitochondria.

Now there are stories of people using ‘cultural icons’ to ‘hold off the Phenomenon’ , such as the name of Jesus or Kali (I used Kali’s name once, the name of Jesus never did anything), of course I have known better for over 40 year now, that that sort of thing is silly.

For example using the name of Jesus can appear to ‘work’ sometimes, at first, and the ONLY reason for that, is that by using that cultural icon, you are tapping into a DIFFERENT PHENOMENON collective (the human-created god/Jesus/heaven dream-substance), so the ‘new guys’ (the UFO entities or whatever imaginal collective you have been exposed to) often backs off. It’s professional courtesy really. Once it’s realized that you are an ACTIVE ‘liver cell’, then the pancreas won’ try to put you to work. That sort of thing.

I had a nasty ‘run-in’ with the Skinwalker Ranch ‘hitchhiker effect’, when someone from Skinwalker Ranch asked me to intervene, on their behalf as a ‘shaman’. I had a nasty run-in with ‘the demiurge’.
I had a nasty run-in with YHWH, the son of El Elyon of Canaan (‘god’).

In all cases, all the poltergeist phenomenon, all the unpleasantness stopped, once I set proper boundaries between myself and ‘them’, but acknowledged that I would be of loving and creative assistance, would be a source of peace and generosity.

Then the negative phenomenon stopped.

No, I’m not ‘overshadowed’ or ‘corrupted’. I’m in my natural human state, like existed before the ‘farming technique’ organized religion became a thing.

I’m fully and gloriously alive, with love enough for MANY, human and non-human alike.

Once we understand who we are, and our place in things, then all this ‘ineffable stuff’ becomes childishly simple to understand.

May your reality be as pleasant, Star Trek the Cage Pilot.

Kevin Cann