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‘The ‘Baldwin effect.’

Named after James Mark Baldwin, an American philosopher and psychologist, this idea proposes that learned behaviors or “good tricks” can become genetically encoded over time.

The Baldwin Effect:

  1. Learned behavior: Animals learn a new behavior or trick through experience, social learning, or innovation.
  2. Selection pressure: The learned behavior provides a survival or reproductive advantage, creating a selection pressure.
  3. Genetic assimilation: Over time, genetic variations that facilitate the learned behavior become more common, eventually replacing the original, non-genetic adaptation.

The Baldwin effect suggests that learned behaviors can influence the evolution of genetic traits, effectively “teaching” the genome to incorporate the advantageous behavior.

This concept has been influential in understanding the complex interplay between learning, culture, and evolution in various species, including humans.” –

The Cosmic Fungal Baldwin Effect

I have been interacting, maybe every five years now, since I was maybe 8 years old, with ‘fungal lifeforms. Imaginal ones, people would call them, but sometimes ‘hard physical effects’ have resulted from interacting with them.

I never seek them out, and it’s all the same to me, whether a bobcat crosses my path in nature, or a ‘fungal entity’ (also part of a larger nature) crosses my path.

I’ve just KNOWN that ‘cosmic fungus’ was at the root of the land of the dead, the ‘fae realm’ and even the ‘cosmic mycelial network’ that links multiple Universes into clusters.

There was never any question.

It’s just there.

Now of course, NOTHING CAN EVER BE PROVEN. NOTHING. NEVER. For all we know, we are brains in vats, and ‘science’ is just a convenient delusion imposed upon us to keep us docile.

Now I don’t think that, but it just goes to show that a good idea, worth considering, worth trying on,
and fiddling with, to see if it makes ANY sense with ‘observed consensus’ should be explored.

Don’t call it ‘pseudo-science’.

I mean, science’ was initially considered the ‘pseudo-alchemy’ (the pseudo-science of alchemy,
and it was ALCHEMY which as the solid art, not ‘new-fangled science’).

But yes, getting verification within our temporary stability bubble (the somewhat solid-seeming ‘habits of physics’ are a really good thing, for this crippled world, where most of us use 1/3 or less of
our total information-processing capacity. Anytime we can expand the tiny ‘metaphorical bubble of
assumptions’ of ‘current science’, the better.

So here is what I observe.

You can see all these ‘POTENTIALITY CLUSTERS’ being acted upon more frequently than others,
and for us that tends to be the human-cluster of potential universes, worlds and beings, though there is an intermingling  between such cluster; you know, the more ‘insect’ or ‘reptile’ (or whatever,
choose one) types of living things, and of course really crazy things that we don’t even know how to
classify such as the sentient plasmas, the organelle slimes, the many different varieties of life,
but the farther away from the ‘human cluster’ they are, they tend to be more difficult to resolve and process.

Now ‘slimes, molds and fungi seem to be a more common element across MOST of the Clusters;
there are even plasma fungi. I guess when you get a really good idea (a great ‘culturally functional
‘trick’) that it’s sometimes vast in scope.

There certainly are plenty of ‘empty-ish seeming’ POTENTIALITY sets out there, but they are boring for AWARENESS, so they stay mostly unobserved.

There is definitely a cosmic Darwin effect for galaxies, such as esteemed physicist Lee Smolin

Cosmic Darwinism:

Smolin, an American theoretical physicist, proposed that universes undergo a process of evolution and selection, similar to biological organisms. He suggests that:

  1. Universes reproduce: Our universe is one of many universes, and they can reproduce through the creation of new universes, possibly through black holes.
  2. Variation and mutation: Each new universe inherits the fundamental laws and constants from its parent universe but with slight variations or mutations.
  3. Selection: Universes that are more “fit” or capable of supporting complex structures and life are more likely to reproduce, passing on their advantageous laws and constants.

Cosmic Natural Selection:

Smolin argues that the fundamental laws and constants of our universe have been shaped by this process of cosmic natural selection. Universes that are “better” at creating complex structures and life are more likely to have:

  1. Fundamental laws: Laws that allow for the emergence of complex systems, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity.
  2. Constants: Constants that are “fine-tuned” for life, such as the speed of light, gravitational constant, and Planck’s constant.


Cosmic Darwinism offers an explanation for why our universe seems so well-suited for life. It also:

  1. Resolves the fine-tuning problem: The universe’s fundamental laws and constants are not arbitrary but have been shaped by cosmic natural selection.
  2. Provides a multiverse framework: Cosmic Darwinism implies the existence of a multiverse, where our universe is just one of many.” –

Now Platonic Surrealism is not so wasteful and non-prosaic. Most ‘Universes’ and higher order structures stay mostly POTENTIAL, and thus do not waste energy and resources, just to ‘get rid of God’ like Sir Martin Reese said, about the ridiculous proliferation of useless Universes.

(ref: “In his 2010 book “From Here to Infinity: Scientific Horizons,” Rees mentions that some multiverse proponents see the concept as a way to eliminate the need for a “Designer” or “God.”

Rees quotes:

“…the multiverse idea offers a way of dispelling the apparent fine-tuning of our universe’s constants… If our universe is just one of an infinite variety, then the ‘fine-tuning’ is simply a statistical fluke.”)  –”

The Cosmogeny of Cosmic Fungus

What I’ve noticed, is that ‘cosmic fungal lifeforms’ (some call them ‘machine elves’ or ‘DMT entities
or ‘plant spirits’ or the like) tend to proliferate across nearly ALL ‘observed/actualized’ ‘Universes’
and as a result do a ‘Cosmic Baldwin Effect’ in those Universes where they can adapt a form
to exist in the inevitable ‘Kalabi-Yau-Manifold network’ which really, mostly that I’ve seen, is just
what LOOKS LIKE plank length, width and height ‘tubes’ like microtubules in the human brain,
which seems to be eruptions from a scalar field like the Higgs Field, which really is one of the most
primal forms of the most primal field EVER — that being AWARENESS.

There’s this SOLID connection, generally, in MOST “universes” that I can see, of a lattice of tubules
that are very nearly just pure AWARENESS, and this ‘cosmic mycelial transport system’ is then available for ‘quantum waveform waveguide purposes (deterministic layer under quantum field theory) and for the little fellers, the Cosmic spores, molds and fungi who serve us all.

Really, this is also a Fermi Paradox Solution too.

The Cosmic Fungal Mycelial Fermi Paradox Solution

The ‘physical aliens’ out there, often a form of spore, mold or fungi descendent, travel at will through the ‘mycelial fungal network’, and don’t need ships, megastructures, or much of anything. No pollution, heat or techno signatures required.

And in a sense, they often live IN the ‘Network’, so they are ‘here’ on Earth every bit as much as anywhere else.

It’s really impossible to escape our cosmic fungal overlords. It’ a good thing that they are really mellow, with the perspective of a google-plex number of worlds (10 to the 500 power), and really
just like to hang out and not hassle anyone.

But they do transport nutrients between beings, and all beings (including us) are INFORMATION
ENTITIES, as that is all that exists.

So, in a sense, spores, molds and fungi are, our ‘cosmic brothers’ to which we owe much.

Cosmic Fungal Co-Evolution

I’m familiar with Cosmic Fungi playing a large part in human evolution, Imaginal evolution (Fae, UFO entities, etc.) and most evolution EVERYWHERE.

It’s no wonder, that as Joshua Cutchin has pointed out, it’s COMMON to smell sulfur and other PLANT / FUNGUS decomposition effects / odors in the vicinity of the aftermath of paranormal / cryptid encounters.

You see, when the Cosmic Fungus has to perform particularly brave effects, that involve, generally speaking, high-energy magnetic, electromagnetic fields, their ‘bodies’ either ‘here’ or across the way on one of their physical worlds, often gets ‘scorched’, releasing those ‘demonic smells’.

These Cosmic Fungus often sacrifice bits of themselves to do their duties, and it’s ADMIRABLE.

These entities are often mistaken for ‘gray aliens’ too by the way, and in ‘far futures’ in some of those worlds, HUMANS are indeed hybrids, but not with ‘aliens’ but with the ‘Cosmic Fungus’.

I first saw a human/Cosmic Fungus hybrid in 1981, when I saw a ‘high-level magical adept’ give a lecture before something like five- thousand people.

The man himself was a relative dimwit, in my view, but the Fungus Amoungus (I had to say that)
was present in this body, clearly visible to a Fungal Friend like me.

I have never seen a full on ‘hybridization’ like that before, just that once in 63 years. It doesn’t seem terribly common.

Cosmic Fungal Abduction

From what I’ve noticed, most ‘physical abductions’ shove people through the ‘cosmic fungal mycelial network’ and they come out in a different ‘space/time’ than this one, then are shoved back through when it’s time to return the abductee.

Really, I don’t see this sort of thing as common, but it does seem that a few very special people do get this treatment.

In Summary

Am I serious?


I’ve tussled with Cosmic Fungus, I’ve been paralyzed for fifteen minutes by ‘Cosmic Fungus’, and I’ve been befriended by Cosmic Fungus. I’m honored to have their approval and company, as any species in the know, like the Imaginal species who depend upon them, find me a decent Joe as well.

Kind Regards Humans and Fungal Brothers both,

Kevin Cann