World of the Daemonic and Earth


First off, for folks who have knee-jerk reactions to the word ‘Daemonic’, it’s a reference to a Greek concept, that entails things such as the ‘muse’ of the poet and at the other end of the world, the ‘world of the faeries’. It might also be called ‘the Otherland’, the ‘far shore’, the ‘faerie realm’ or just the ‘temporary land of the dead’. But certainly nothing to do with ‘demons’, that corruption and perversion of actually true concepts that happened to disagree with the new kid on the block historically, ‘Christianity’ (the neo platonic corruption of the words of Jesus by Paul).

Ontological Equivalence

So here’s the 50,000 ton block that will fall on most of your heads, the thing that most ‘mystics’ throughout history have gotten tragically wrong.

The ‘otherworld’ and ‘our world’ are ONTOLOGICALLY EQUIVALENT.

Now a respected writer such as Patrick Harpur, as one example, might say that the ‘Daemonic’ is not ‘real’, and in a sense he’s right, but he has missed the entire point of the enterprise of writing one of this books.

Per Platonic Surrealism, WE ARE ALSO LIVING IN A ‘NON-REAL’ ‘DAEMONIC WORLD’, just the same as any other ‘Daemon’.

That’s the 50,000 pound block.

That’s why PS has superior explanatory power. There is no mind/matter or other duality. It’s all surrealism, all the time.

And when one is in a ‘daemonic world’, it seems just as real as ‘our world does’, as they are BOTH ‘daemonic worlds’, and here’s the other shoe dropping,

No ‘world’ (dream) is ontologically superior or more real than any other world.

No superior worlds. No heavens or hells or Buddha pure lands that are BETTER or ‘more complete’ or ‘more real’.

Now granted, a lot of worlds are more pleasant than this one, but also, there is very little to be learned in those
‘pleasant worlds’.

So if you’ve yearned to know what it’s like in a ‘faerie world’, well then great news.

You are in one.

Kevin Cann

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