Why UFOs don’t Land on the Whitehouse Lawn

It’s pretty simple.

‘UFOs’ don’t like assholes.

Have you ever noticed, that ‘UFOs’ will appear to someone named Bubba who is taking a piss in a corn field,
just as one example, but cannot be found ANYWHERE AROUND people who take themselves too seriously,
especially if they have a stockpile of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction?

I wouldn’t approach assholes like that either.

It should not be surprising.

‘UFOs’ already have all the contact they want, of the type that they want.

How could it be otherwise?

With the ability to phase through walls and to go and do whatever they like, with ZERO possibility
of ‘crashing’, there can be no doubt that ‘UFOs’ do what they want, when they want.

And that doesn’t include interacting with the cruel and clueless, except possibly to torment them,
but certainly not to have an open dialogue.

So what about these ‘crashed UFOs’ you keep hearing about?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are being played”?


You are being played.

Kevin Cann

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