For those not familiar, Doctor Justin Sledge of the Esoterica channel is one of the most amazing resources on funky topics ANYWHERE.
I don’t have much to say about Schopenhauer, other than to say that apparently he got a solid dose of Platonic Surrealism,
but he took it the wrong way. I’ve never studied Schopenhauer BTW, but his ‘Will’ is indeed much like the child of POTENTIALITY
and AWARENESS, consciousness, and while Platonic Surrealism calls consciousness ‘the trickster’, as consciousness weaves
EVERTYING from pure potential “nothing”, Schopenhauer took this process as absolutely negative, while Platonic Surrealism
sees it as primarily positive.
Yes, puppies and butterflies and love and sunsets and maggots and death are all part of a movie, but it’s not a depressing movie,
not necessarily. It’s a celebration of LIFE and LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. That’s the POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS and
Consciousness that i know.
Oh sure, like with fae folk for example, you CAN turn them into ‘demons’ or whatever negative thing your imagination corrupts
them to be, but that is not their innate nature. Nor is the ‘will’ as Schopenhauer puts it, some dark mindless Cthulhu type thing.
It’s the very essence of beauty. Really, I think that Schopenhauer just needed to get laid, or get a puppy or something.
He spent his life alone and turned purely negative.
Both Kant and Schopenhauer thought that you cannot know ‘the noumenon’ (ultimate reality), and Platonic Surrealism
takes the exact opposite view. We ARE ‘ultimate reality’. Now mind you, to keep all the movies running, all the permutations
and all the fun (and not so fun) running, we have to ‘deceive ourselves’ to take ‘the movie’ (our apparent lives) seriously,
or there would be no puppies, no fun or love.
We spin BEAUTY. But with only one thing existing, there is no other option than ‘SELF-deception’, this is true..
but that’s not a negative, that’s the way of things, and the source of all love and beauty.
I just wanted to clarify on Schopenhauer. Some people think he was an influence, and he was not.
Kevin Cann