Gold Top Coleman Lantern, Hoaxing and Real ‘UFOs’

The Coleman “Gold Top” lantern, also known as the “Coleman Model G”, was first introduced in 1951, but some sources suggest a slightly earlier release in 1949 or 1950.

Now it’s a known thing, that some early UFO hoaxers liked to use Coleman lantern
tops as ‘flying saucer hoaxes’.

Now, here’s the funny thing.

I was informed that sometimes ‘UFO entities’ mimic the hoaxes, as they think that is
what people want to see!

I’m curious if someone ever hoaxed with this exact model, as I suspect that some

GENUINE experiencers / abductees see similar things to hoaxes for this reason.

You notice the ‘port holes’ that people often talk about?

Another indicator of this possible phenomenon, is that ‘triangles’ are considered a
symbol for ‘the soul’ in alchemy and there are also other ‘occult symbols’ from the
past that people see and don’t understand.

For example ‘space men’ often have a triangle on their ‘space uniform’.

It appears to me that these ‘UFO entities’ are looking at a large swatch of human
history simultaneously (like some mystics can see btw) and they have trouble keeping it
straight, so they mix symbols from multiple worlds and times.

Food for thought.

Kevin Cann

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