These are my trigger words. In my view, if you want to be liberated and all that jazz, or just a much better person, I’d avoid using these two words at all, until you know what they mean.

If you really are POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS playing with each other, right here and now (you are), then improperly using the words ‘god’ and ‘consciousness’ are pure poison.

Now ‘consciousness’ is really not so bad, other than the fact that nobody knows what it is.


People think that ‘they have consciousness’ only ‘they’ don’t have it at all — AWARENESS playing with POTENTIALITY ‘dreams consciousness’ and ‘you’ borrow it for a while.

You probably have no idea in the world why you think and feel what you do; it sort of ‘drops in from who knows where’.

You assume that it’s ‘yours’ only it isn’t yours. ‘You’ are ‘renting’ not ‘owning’ except in your role of personally being an eruption of POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS.

Remember, all THIS is ‘paper plates’ and ‘god’ doesn’t ‘wash dishes’.

Now we humans should probably wash some dishes; they really stack up.

‘Consciousness’ is the dreams that AWARENESS and POTENTIALITY cook up together in their play. It’s a play product. Like blocks and glue (don’t eat the glue, well unless you really want to).

Consciousness can be pretty. Consciousness can be fun. Consciousness is inherently incomplete. Consciousness has a hard time pointing to POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS, you pretty much have to discard it (through apophatic practices and AWARENESS training) to clear out the gunk, so that you can start to remember who you are.

Now the word ‘god’ is just fucking hopeless. Humans beings project all their worst impulses onto a figure that some brain child created in the past (generally an autistic or other societal malcontent), and then use it to subtly and not so subtly crap all over their fellow man. Join my club, or you are going to hell. My fictional character ‘god’ can beat up your fictional character ‘god’, because there are more of us ‘<insert obnoxious system of religous lies name>’ than in your system.

Once you create complex standards of ‘good’ you are inherently creating complex systems of ‘evil’, and since you like your system best of all, as you have friends into it, who watch your backside, you have converted most of reality (the people who are not your ‘besties’)

into ‘evil’.

Now I’m not saying that love isn’t beautiful — it truly is. I’m not saying that there isn’t something transcendent — there truly is.

But don’t paste human concepts onto what’s pure and transfinite; unless you want to create an imaginary cosmic-asshole to damn everyone that irritates you; and contrary to al l the bull crap, THAT IS NOT LOVE.

Remember when Jesus said (paraphrase), ‘don’t bother those Egyptian magicians casting out demons in my name!’. ‘If they aren’t against me, they are for me.’

Well, I’m ALL FOR JESUS. Just not Christianity. And Jesus clearly said that we, and that means all of us are ‘GOD’. Really he meant POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS, but the religious people of this time killed him, just like they would kill him as fast as humanly possible if he came back to our time.

‘God’ is codeword for ‘all fucked up human-originated, fear and control-based scheming’.

So, if we want to discuss ‘God’ (yes, I knew what you may have MEANT). What do we call ‘him’.

I suggest POTENTIALITY. Throw in AWARENESS if you want to demonstrate that you really get it.

Don’t waste your time on the stupid-making language of ‘god’, as humans have completely trashed it. It’s a sign of ignorance to use that word.

And remember, POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS don’t grade people moment by moment and throw them into eternal stinking pits of damnation.



Kevin Cann