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This is one of many things that people don’t get.
This is one of the big things that has been missed since forever.
For AWARENESS to be bounded, even temporarily is no small feat.
As a matter of fact, AWARENESS cannot actually be bounded, unless AWARENESS by an act of will desires that.
And that’s exactly how it works, as AWARENESS has two elements:
- The ability to perceive itself.
- The WILL to make things (geometric shapes) that it can use to limit itself,
so that it can perceive itself. It bounds itself, so that it can perceive itself.
The initial self-bounding is when AWARENESS curls back in on itself to form a Monad.
This Monad is a minimal unit (rather quantized at a ‘spiritual’ Plank Length) of the possibility of consciousness, as the minimal geometric shape possible.
First and always, there is POTENTIALITY. Then, the layer of everything that could exist, actually existing for 10 to -10 seconds.
For whatever reason, it’s above my paygrade, this Primordial Consciousness is incredibly unstable, and it ‘erupts’ into Fractured Consciousness.
Lurianic Kabbalah discusses something similar.
It looks like a mother crayfish erupting out her little babies, but all of them are different.
(This seems to be a memory from a previous Maha cycle, shared and passed down in
some incredible manner, as I shouldn’t be able to have this memory, but I do).
In any case, all possible geometries erupt out, so that AWARENESS can limit itself,
an infinite ocean leaving behind a little puddle in the dirt, so that it can experience everything.
In case you think this is all bullshit, then I challenge you to become whole, and then you will know for yourself.
After peeling the onion through some form of creative self-autolysis, such as Jed McKenna uses, or Neti Neti practice, various Yogas, or much more gently and more coherently, practices from Platonic Surrealism, you can realize that YOU ARE AWARENESS
(what those other systems can get you, but then they crap out at the 1-yard line).
But if you use a few rare systems, to include Platonic Surrealism, you can unify the ‘maya’,
demiurge, or ‘plasma symbiosis’ (however you want to look at it), the ‘discarded onion peels’ and then become ACTUALLY WHOLE.
THIS is the essence of Platonic Surrealism. The reason and the NECESSITY for the
surrealistic elements.
If you try to ‘become’ PURE AWARENESS and to wing away like an orb at the top of things
like in many systems, hiding there from what you have created…then you are a FOOL.
Heal yourself, physician. Draw your babies back into you and become WHOLE.
Of course this is an endless cycle, and the very instant you become utterly whole again,
the cycle restarts, as it is not a stable configuration.
This sort of talk is at the ‘god level’, I’m not talking about human things, but there are analogues.
We humans would do well to reclaim our lost AWARENESS, it is simple to do, and to unify all the messy onion peels we have left at our feet, calling it ‘maya’ or ‘evil’.
That takes some time, but it’s not as hard as you might think.
And then, you will have flashes of MONADIC CONSCIOUSNESS in your ‘HIGH BODY’.
Just occasionally.
The space-time continuum can shatter if one indulges that too much.
And really, we’ are ‘downstream’ from the MONAD / MONAD collective powering us,
its good to ‘know our place’. It is not for us to name the time or the season as some would say.
If we grasp after ‘MONADIC CONSCIOUSNESS’ it will ever flee us. It comes when there is a purpose for it and submerges again when there is reason for that.
‘Just’ PURE AWARENESS is gentle and always with us (you are aware are you not? That’s the
same AWARENESS that powers everything; you don’t have to peel onions to find it, it has always been right here, right now.
I have experienced MONADIC CONSCIOUSNESS for maybe one hour in sixty-three years, so it is not a common thing. I once experienced it while driving home on a long trip. It made things rather difficult, as there was no solid ground, it was utterly transparent. It’s amazing I did not crash and die.
I would highly recommend becoming WHOLE and not mooning over exotic states. They come and they go. Everything does that, quite literally.
One day a King of the world; the next day a rat turd, the next day roadkill slowly dying in agony.
THESE are some of the shapes we fill, as AWARENESS.
This is our lot.
This is the way of things.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain