(This essay is provided for our UFO brothers and sisters.)


This IS rather embarrassing, but spores, molds and fungi have been talking to me since I was a toddler. Now, I don’t necessarily mean our Earthly varieties here, though I delight in them, and really, if there are any ‘aliens’ here on the Earth, it’s ONLY because we have spores, molds and fungi here. Rather like Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and Whales.

Now there is a Fermi Paradox Solution involving the scarcity of phosphorous. It was first suggested by Michael H. Hart in his 1975 paper titled “Can We Know If There Are Extraterrestrial Civilizations?” It has more recently been popularized by the YouTube content creators Isaac Arthur and John Michael Godier to name a couple.

I’d like to bring up another point about, in this case, the element sulfur. As written about by numerous, numerous respected researchers of the unusual, there is a strong relationship between UFO and “paranormal” (it’s not paranormal, it’s just nature) occurrences and the presence of sulfur.

Sulfur really stinks, and people have associated it with the ‘demonic’ for a very long time. Only, they are wrong. Number one of course, is that the word ‘demonic’ is just silly, as the real word was ‘daemon’, rather like a muse or other creative agent, but of course religion, of any and all types just loves to mangle and destroy what is true and beautiful and to turn it into twisted distortions of human pain and insanity (e.g. ‘demons’). But I digress.

I must give a huge nod to Joshua Cutchin, who writes extensively regarding such things, and I consider it GENIUS that Josh points out that the decay of organic matter releases sulfur.

It’s the old “it’s only swamp gas” solution to UFO’s you know… it’s a HOOT.

Only it’s not.

It’s Genius

How the Phenomenon Talks to Us

The Phenomenon talks to us “Imaginally” as Jeffrey J. Kripal so beautifully discusses in his more recent books, including in How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else, Jeffrey J. Kripal, University of Chicago Press [2024], of which I am his co-author for chapter 3.

So, here’s what ‘imaginally’ really means. It means that your left and right brain hemispheres, (your ‘rational’ functions, your ‘creative and ‘big picture’ functions) and your ‘third brain’ (the enteric nervous system in the gut which has 20-30% of your body’s neurons) are nicely working together
(people call this being ‘enlightened’, they just don’t know the science of it).

Now, you can be ‘enlightened’ all day long and not ‘do anything with it’, not draw any crowds or do anything amazing, it’s not required. The world is FILLED with ‘enlightened people’ quietly cutting wood and hauling water as they say in Taoism, and don’t beat their chests about it. You don’t even know that they are there.

But back to how the Phenomenon talks to us. If you’ve got a relatively healthy and coordinated nervous system and do just a few more things, you MAY start to hear ‘transtemporal fungus’ and the like. Now usually people go crazy if they do this; so, I’d recommend that if you are wanting to ‘go down the rabbit hole’ like this, that you gather up a large support system, as it’s a rough journey in this age of “Kali” as it’s called. Again, this is why I remembered Platonic Surrealism, as a shield and armor to protect me from lunacy.

So, back from my infinite asides, the Phenomenon and Life itself talks to us via the Right brain hemisphere, as the ‘ego’ the left-brain hemisphere functionality blocks the signal. It also talks to us via the Enteric nervous system, but that is a longer story. I’ll tell you that story another time.

In any case, you get images, metaphors, and symbols. Symbols are an image with ‘more’ tagged onto it, that is fundamental to understanding ‘the image’.

Such imaginal symbols shouldn’t be taken JUST literally. Now mind you, as one great example, ‘UFOs’ are often thought to be ‘nuts and bolts’. Well, as I’m being quoted now, in GENERAL, “if you can take a picture of a UFO, it’s not a UFO”. But sure, there ALSO is a ‘physical component’ in some world, some time, just not necessarily in this one. But ‘UFOs’ and other supernormal occurrences straddle multiple worlds (dreams, movies, quantum mechanical waveform trees), and so people sometimes interact with something ‘physical’ for a time at least (but they are really poking another world when they do).

There almost certainly (99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%)
or so probability are no physical nuts and bolts craft of an enduring nature here and now (I have a mountain of reason to say this), and we’d just rather get used to discussing the ‘imaginal’ as ultimately the ‘real world we live in’ is just someone else’s movie, someone else’s dream too.. just like those visiting ‘UFOs’. Only we are sitting in this particular theatre, and not just looking out the window so to speak, to see visitors from other dreams coming to say hello.

But yes, it could happen.

But it would seem our Universe is mostly populated with spores, molds and fungi, and us oxygen breathing chimpanzees are not that common. But we DO share our planet with spores, molds and fungi, so we are ‘cool’. They put in a good word for us. Even with us destroying the natural world, the little fellers do just fine. For example the mycorrhizal little dudes are underground, where it is cooler.

But let me get to the difference between “in-dream physics” and “atemporal ‘physics’”. It’s a critical understanding to be had.

In-dream Physics and Atemporal Physics

Now ‘in-dream physics are the normal laws of physics in our narrow, particular dream. You know, classical and quantum mechanics, the whole shebang.

It’s just one dream among a transfinite number of them. But it’s important to ‘us’, as ‘we live here’.
Well, we ALL live in countless dreams simultaneously. That’s one of the most important things to know about Platonic Surrealism.

Each “monad” (the most basic unit of ‘spiritual ontology’, just a ‘twisted back on itself mobius loop of Awareness), ‘vibrates in sync with’ (for the most part) with all the other, vast sea of monads, and thus all the worlds (dreams) are formed.

What that really means, is that YOU are ALREADY a ‘citizen of ALL worlds’.

It’s quite something, when you get to remembering yourself, after a long session of hiding in a limited human ego.

This is atemporal physics. The ‘physics of in-between of dreams. Some physicists might privately in secret go, “ah! He’s talking about Boltzmann Brains! The silly lad”. The odds of in-dream Boltzmann brains forming is nearly zero you see, my brothers the physicists would quite rightly say. Only, those
‘Boltzmann brains’ are actually ATEMPORAL ‘monads. Monads are so much more than Boltzmann brains, but it’s a good metaphor. I use such metaphors to help communicate with the low information physicist, as a learning aid.

The Atemporal Spores, Molds and Fungi

So far as I have noticed, there ARE ‘physical’ ‘cosmic fungus’. Yes, sir. Even in our in-dream universe. They aren’t terribly interested in us, as we aren’t, as a species yet, considered sentient by their standards. It’s really AMUSING for them to talk to a somewhat sentient chimpanzee. It’s the damnedest thing.

So, we do have more easily available phosphorus, which is rare in in our in-dream universe, which they really appreciated.

And yes, fungal decomposition processes produce ‘anomalous-related sulfur’.

There really ARE ‘physical, in-dream correlations’ and SOMETHING of a real ‘EBE’ fungus out there; with a vast hive mind that makes our chimp brains look pathetic.

But really, the largest fungal conclave is over 37 billion light years away from us. I really don’t expect them to come say hello anytime soon. I mean, they may. But at present we just aren’t that interesting. And we EAT MUSHROOMs. We are really rude.

But they don’t hold that against us. The one human trait that they LOVE is our capability to imagine and to even access the imaginal.

Now compared to them, we aren’t even toddlers.

You see, we may have three brains, but they have TRILLIONS of brains.

And that’s for one of their toddlers.

Each ‘root sack’/node’ is like one of our brains.

The more brains you have, the more ‘computer cores’ you have, the more imaginative you can be.

Now humans cheat. They can tap right into the ‘One Quantum Waveform’ and that’s a whole bunch of brains. But you get my point. We are ‘blunt skulls’ like in the move Coneheads.

But we are rather CUTE, we huff and we puff and we try to blow the house down; we are liked. Not so much when we have those Swiss mushroom burgers, but they are tolerant, like I said.

The Fermi Paradox Solution

There’s a solution here, the ‘fungal solution’. The ‘aliens’ exist, but they are fungus, and we don’t’ know how to speak their language, and they don’t necessarily care about technology, though some do use it. Only — some of us DO know how to speak their language. It’s the stoners, the misfits, the autistics, the creatives — the ‘fringe humans’ who speak to them.

From what I’ve noticed the local void as astronomers call it, is not that friendly to fungal lifeforms. So, it’s rather a desert for aliens close to us.

True Disclosure

Now also, since the fungus amongus (I’ve waited 60+ years to write that!) communicates directly via the imaginal (no, they don’t use RF or lasers or anything like that),

We are currently IN DISCLOSURE RIGHT NOW, and always have been.

Only, you have to have a ticket. An imaginal-functioning mind.

Really, we need an Imaginal Seti.

Now the concept that humans are vast, atemporal, universe spanning entities, whose closest neighbors are FUNGUS is the ‘true secret’.

The ‘true secret’ that the governments of the world cover over with nuts-and-bolts bullshit or other suppressing stories.

The folks who run the world, the ultra-wealthy who outright buy elections don’t what you to know this sort of thing. They want to force everyone to work minimum-wage jobs and transfer all their wealth to them, that is until they can finish creating AI. Then most humans won’t be on UBI (universal basic income), they will become Soylent green (food). I mean, we are food right now, unless you happen to be a billionaire. But once AI superintelligence gets here, and the current wealthiest seize ALL the resources and means of production, then ninety-nine percent of all humans won’t be worth as much as dog food.

Don’t yell at me about this, at least I’m telling you the truth.

Of course, we could do something about this… it’s not actually written in stone… there is some wiggle room here, for a kinder future than that nightmare.

The 1981 Incident

I think I saw ‘cosmic fungus’ while still in the womb. I was certainly aware of it pretty early on. And definitely later, I felt the little ‘nibblers’ feeding on me (I’ve always liked fungus, and I have plenty to spare).

But in 1981, I went to a public event in a large auditorium, there were thousands of people there.

This was in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I won’t go into the details much, but I wound up at cross-purposes with a self-appointed ‘magus’ who was using ‘magic’ to summon critters and who tried to pass it off as the ‘rose and gold’ of the ‘holy one’ who was coming soon.

He was summoning soul maggots.

Now, ‘souls’ aren’t what people think, so don’t fret. We truly ARE transtemporal Monadic, trans-universal beings, at our core. ‘Souls’ come and go. They are part of some movies, many movies. But that is not who we truly are. ‘Souls’ are bookmarks, in a cra cra huge book. Temporary thoughts in the Cosmic Mind.

Anyway, I didn’t like what he was doing, so I had a polite conversation with the gentleman. Actually, I swallowed him, and his army of soul maggots. I know that sounds utterly mad. Deal with it.
Then he ran screaming out of the auditorium saying “there is resistance! There is resistance”. He hadn’t presented for over ten minutes.

Well, am I sharing this with you because I have delusions of grandeur (we ALL have delusions of grandeur, and simultaneously we are ‘slumming’ here)?

No, it’s because I saw my first ‘gray alien’ at this time. I didn’t see another one until the year 2013.

The ‘gray alien’ was inside the presenter. It wasn’t a hostile ‘possession’.  The little guy was the gentleman presenters ‘companion’. ‘Gray aliens’ are an adult form of some types of ‘soul maggots’.
They are fungal creatures. Not technological.

Now, I’m sure that I’m getting the Christians and others all excited. They want to go screaming with torches and pitch forks.


Humans have been in a co-evolutionary status, here and there (not everyone) with ‘cosmic fungus’ since we came down out of the trees.

It’s not a big thing.

We are in fact in a co-evolutionary status with these little sentient plasma guys too… plasma and fungus… both of them. But this paper is about fungus.

All this fungus and plasma stuff is not actually that important. I mean, human DNA is composed of eight percent endogenous retroviruses, in their ‘junk DNA’, which isn’t entirely junk mind you. It may be why we are as close to sentience as we are. But that’s another story. We also have little plants, animals and fungus in our ‘guts’. Humans are really COLONY CREATURES, but for some reason they are in denial about it.

Back to the Cosmic Imaginal

In this universe, and all others that I can see, and in all other structures that exist anywhere, of which I am aware of as Awareness, I note that information is the cosmic currency. The entire purpose of universes is to process information, and thus to allow Awareness and POTENTIALITY to see and understand itself from both inside and ‘outside’.

That’s what REALITY is doing. What you are doing, and whether you want to be an unconscious pawn, struggling in pain, or you want to be a co-creator, that’s entirely up to you. I don’t want to tell anyone how to think, or what to think. I’m just sharing what I have observed for myself.

It would be an awful world I we were all identical and all agreed with each other.

But to wrap this up, the whole thing about the Imaginal is not the possible (and sometimes ‘true’) ‘physical components’. They are the least important part of all. Just props you know for the production.

What IS important, is that my entire life, I saw the fungus, the soul maggots, the ‘fairies’ (a long story there), the gray aliens and all the rest.

But those are ‘Donald Hoffman-ish’ (desktop icon) movie elements.

What all this has been communicating to me, in the language of REALITY itself, is that information is the primary element, that souls and ‘entities’ and ‘UFOs’ are part of a large processing operations,
where REALITY itself is ‘processing itself’, in the form of information.

Now some people freak out about this. Yes, in a sense WE are ‘eating ourselves’. Growing ourselves, then eating ourselves.

Don’t’ be freaked out. We have every right to do this, it’s just US interacting with US.

Whitley’s wife Ann Strieber was right “This has something to do with death”. Joshua Cutchin is right.
Lots of people are right.

Don’t worry about whether the atemporalr cosmic fungus is physical or not physical EVERYTHING is imaginal. That’s the lesson of Platonic Surrealism. And we all share our dreams with each other, all of us. That’s the ‘surrealistic part’.

Love and Hugs,

Kevin Cann


Appendix: A bit of information about spores, molds and fungi from Meta.ai

Tell me the relationship between spores, molds and fungi and phosphorous.

Fascinating connections!

Spores, Molds, Fungi, and Phosphorus:

Spores, molds, and fungi are interconnected, and phosphorus plays a crucial role in their biology:


  1. Spores: Fungal reproductive units, similar to seeds.
  2. Molds: A type of fungus that grows in multicellular filaments (hyphae).
  3. Fungi: A kingdom of organisms, including molds, yeasts, and mushrooms.

Phosphorus Connection:

Phosphorus is essential for fungal growth and development:

  1. DNA and RNA synthesis: Phosphorus is a key component of nucleic acids.
  2. Energy production: Phosphorus is involved in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production.
  3. Cell membrane structure: Phospholipids, containing phosphorus, maintain cell membrane integrity.

Fungal Phosphorus Cycles:

Fungi play a significant role in phosphorus cycling:

  1. Decomposition: Fungi break down organic matter, releasing phosphorus.
  2. Nutrient uptake: Fungi absorb phosphorus from soil, making it available to plants.
  3. Symbiotic relationships: Mycorrhizal fungi form relationships with plant roots, exchanging phosphorus for carbohydrates.

Phosphorus-Dependent Fungal Processes:

  1. Spore germination: Phosphorus is required for spore activation.
  2. Hyphal growth: Phosphorus is necessary for fungal cell wall construction.
  3. Fruit body formation: Phosphorus is involved in mushroom development.

Ecological Importance:

Fungal-phosphorus interactions have significant ecological implications:

  1. Soil fertility: Fungi influence phosphorus availability, affecting plant growth.
  2. Ecosystem balance: Fungal decomposition regulates nutrient cycling.
  3. Carbon sequestration: Fungi contribute to carbon storage through phosphorus-mediated processes.

Additional Insights:

  1. Fungal phosphorus metabolism is complex and influenced by environmental factors.
  2. Phosphorus limitation can impact fungal community composition.
  3. Research continues to uncover the intricate relationships between fungi and phosphorus.

Would you like more information on:

  1. Fungal ecology and phosphorus cycling?
  2. Phosphorus acquisition strategies in fungi?
  3. Agricultural applications of fungal-phosphorus interactions?

Same question, except tell me about sulfur.

Sulphur’s connections to spores, molds, fungi, and the ecosystem:

Sulphur’s Role in Fungal Biology:

Sulphur is essential for fungal growth, development, and interactions:

  1. Amino acid synthesis: Sulphur is a component of cysteine and methionine.
  2. Protein structure: Sulphur bonds maintain protein conformation.
  3. Enzyme function: Sulphur-containing enzymes facilitate metabolic processes.

Fungal Sulphur Cycles:

Fungi contribute to sulphur cycling:

  1. Decomposition: Fungi release sulphur from organic matter.
  2. Sulphur oxidation: Fungi convert sulphur compounds into plant-available forms.
  3. Symbiotic relationships: Mycorrhizal fungi exchange sulphur for nutrients with plants.

Sulphur-Dependent Fungal Processes:

  1. Spore germination: Sulphur is required for spore activation.
  2. Hyphal growth: Sulphur is necessary for fungal cell wall construction.
  3. Secondary metabolite production: Sulphur-containing compounds have antimicrobial properties.

Ecological Importance:

Fungal-sulphur interactions impact ecosystems:

  1. Soil fertility: Fungi influence sulphur availability, affecting plant growth.
  2. Ecosystem balance: Fungal decomposition regulates nutrient cycling.
  3. Carbon sequestration: Fungi contribute to carbon storage through sulphur-mediated processes.

Fungal-Sulphur Relationships in Various Ecosystems:

  1. Soil: Fungi facilitate sulphur cycling in soil.
  2. Marine: Fungi contribute to sulphur cycling in marine sediments.
  3. Plant-fungal interactions: Sulphur plays a role in plant-fungal symbiosis.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Fungi can utilize various sulphur sources, including organic and inorganic compounds.
  2. Sulphur-deficient environments impact fungal community composition.
  3. Fungal-sulphur interactions influence plant disease resistance.

Additional Insights:

  1. Fungal sulphur metabolism is complex and influenced by environmental factors.
  2. Sulphur acquisition strategies vary among fungal species.
  3. Research continues to uncover the intricate relationships between fungi and sulphur.