Platonic Surrealism is a framework with various elements, but it is not intended to be a complete philosophical, religious or spiritual system, as much of that cultural accretion is toxic and not helpful; none of it has ‘rescued us’ that is for sure.

Humans civilization may completely crash due to our destruction of the ecosystem, and the ongoing dumbing down of the human animal, imposed by the ultra-wealthy, to allow for their final conversion of the entire planet into a steaming garbage heap of waste plastic that now infests our bodies and minds, and the cheap, low quality consumer items (created by child slaves chained to industrial machines in third world countries) all in their single-minded purpose in capturing all the little green pieces of paper, with dead presidents on them.

Platonic Surrealism at this point is all erupting from one lone individual, Kevin Cann, and I cannot live the life of even a single other ‘soul’ (great quote from Richard Bach there), and I don’t have any resources to start some sort of social movement or research organization, so all I can hope to do, is to put out relatively unique information, to get it into the minds of the best and brightest of us, or maybe many generations from now, post-crash (in say 1000 years).

One does what one can, so that one might sleep at night.

The focus of Platonic Surrealism is not to provide yet another spiritual system (YASS), and in fact Platonic Surrealism is ‘not about ‘spirituality’, as there is no spirit, matter, energy or mind, except in the most different way than most people might imagine.

This category of the website is intended to put forward very useful information that your tradition or spiritual teacher either doesn’t know or won’t teach you.

There is no support network of professional academics or ‘teachers’ to assist you in this dark and troubled world, other than the tatters of the old traditions, where you may not find much value; I know that I myself found value in more than about 5% of the sum total of human knowledge.

But again, Platonic Surrealism has no support network, so the best I and (now we) can do is to put forward useful things to know and do and encourage you to ‘steal them’ with our without attribution, and to ‘hot plug them’ into whatever support framework you have, if any.

I wish that I could do more.

I’m just one old retiree, who waited over sixty years to put forward these things.

Platonic Surrealism does not promise ‘enlightenment’ or ‘escape from the world’ like the old systems, as those concepts are too flawed to be usable. Not to mention flat-out incorrect.

But we can INDEED before more AWARE of our vast WHOLENESS that already exists, and that is what can be done, what is intended by the phrase “Becoming While”.

Warmest Regards for your journey.

Kevin Cann