There are few things more powerful than a good aphorism.

“Liberation” is when you stop Defining yourself.”

We ALL are “Mystic Sophia”

Platonic Surrealism is ‘APPARENT BROKENNESS + AWARENESS’ which is the ground of BEING.

“We are PURE AWARENESS. Everything else is distraction.” (Some distraction is happy, some is miserable)

God – The narcissistic portions of REALITY that are crying out to be healed. -Kevin Cann

“We can choose among our desires, but we cannot choose our desires!” -Bernardo Kastrup

The walls of Plato’s cave are constructed from words – Kevin Cann

Monotheism: The worship of one specific human ego template.

Jesus was not a Christian. He did not follow the Apostle Paul. -Kevin Cann

“We Need to Stop Worshipping Dead People” -Jeffrey J. Kripal

‘There are laws against going door to door and forcing beer on minors who can’t think for themselves’. – James Talarico

Once you stop hunting the ego, once you love it unconditionally, not caring what is in the ego, or not in the ego,
you become liberated
. – Alan Watts (paraphrased by KC)

“Desire is a contract that we make with ourselves to be unhappy until we get what we want.” -Naval Ravikant

“Being half a step ahead of any era is genius but being a step ahead of any era is madness” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad. -Salvador Dali.

“One interesting feature of NDKS is that it validates the everyday ego by rooting it in the supreme egoity, the supreme I AM. It’s not like those amateurish nondualisms that have proliferated  in recent times, which think ego is a complete illusion that has to be eliminated.” – Paul Marshall

Ego is not the enemy, in balance, with it’s proper functioning, it’s the savior’.

Mycelial Networks are cross-medium: Fungal, Plasma, Imaginal and any and all mediums.

There is no hard problem of consciousness. There is only the hard problem of unwarranted materialism. And even with materialism, 99% of the universe is not atomic matter, it’s plasma. Science makes good refrigerators, but it’s bad at the other 99%.

As Platonic Surrealism teaches, we are fictional characters in our own stories.

When experiencing a “dark night of the soul”, just remember: “We play all the roles”.

At our core of cores, we are the storyteller, and to avoid loneliness and pain
we get caught up in our ‘movies’ ‘stories’ ‘songs’.

The purpose of religion is to keep you in a constant state of subtle pain; which forces part of your
True Self to become slightly disentangled from the body, thus being able to commiserate with
and ‘think-with’ other damaged parts of the large life, who are also in pain, including even
whole universes.

“Reality is well-organized Self-deception”.

‘Consciousness’ keeps you trapped for all eternity.

AWARENESS is what frees you FROM ‘consciousness’.

Insisting on a SINGULAR reason or purpose is mental illness (religion/scientism).

Enlightenment: when you stop sabotaging your body with your mind.

Liberation: When you stop running away from yourself.

Transcendence is the acquisition of atemporal social skills.

Pain drives the hidden into plain view, as it seeks to escape. That’s
why asceticism works, why religion works, why yoga works.

The Imaginal, “Realer than Real” effect happens
when the ‘Universe’ echo’s it’s Imagination, as a wave
back in the direction of your own initial imaginary

If you can take a picture of a ‘UFO’, it’s not a ‘UFO’.

Kevin Cann