My friend Alex is a Neuroscientist and NDE researcher and he asked me to ‘draw’ what I saw while I was dead.
Here is my response:
“Ok, Alex, I was going to draw it on paper, but in this one case electronically comes
So, when I was dead in 2013, after my heart stopped beating and my body was cold and stiff,
I was immediately vaulted with an enormous expansion in size, to a vast almost
empty space, but on first appearance it was just FULL of ‘stars’.
Only I knew that they weren’t stars. I know exactly what they were, as they were part
of me, and I was part of them.
Here’s a picture that’s close, but you can ignore the clump in the middle a bit, though
apparently there are some clumps.

The ’spooky thing’ is that all the ‘star not stars’ were possibly ‘artificially placed’ in a perfect pattern, not at random, or very little randomness. Maybe like a perfect crystal lattice with a bit of variability.
Now, I wanted to look up close at one of the ‘stars that were not stars and I saw this,
precisely, verbatim:

That my friend is a picture of the covid virus. The color was also more blue, though color was off
the scale in complexity. Now I’m not joking. When I first saw a picture of the covid virus it was
a 100% match. I suppose there is an ‘imaginal element’ at play too, not just a ‘literal one’.
I think the goal was information transfer between ‘the gardener’ and myself, and you can’t really
separate out the imaginal content. Well, you really can’t.
While I was pondering this, a friend at my elbow, who was everywhere in space and time said, “Those kids! They keep trying to hack the read-only data archive”. He was mirthful.
(our world is a read-only data archive).
Now, I felt but did not see this:

Those little streamers, come from other monads, and they are all constantly trying to
‘hack’ the work of their fellow monads, whether they be individual, regular monads,
groups of monads in symbiosis, or even Monads currently pretending to be a universe.
I hope this was helpful Alex, I could have just put many dots on a piece of paper
but it wouldn’t have been helpful.
I suppose since I’m interested in the structure of reality, that’s why I saw what I saw.
The whole psychology of NDE and personality coloring is a fascinating topic.
But I didn’t KNOW any of this beforehand. I had spent over 50 years not speculating, so that my biases did not color my understanding.
I of course, think that this is closer to ‘actual’ than a picture of heavenly vistas, but maybe that’s just me.
Kevin Cann