In many ways, science HAS brought us in out of the Middle Ages and the Dark ages. You will seldom hear me quibble about most standard science. You will very seldom hear me put forward ‘crackpot theories’, other than the main one, that ‘science’ itself is an emergent theory of something deeper (and it’s not ‘god did it’ either).

We have thousands of years of impossible to ignore or marginalize evidence that there is something deeper that we don’t have a handle on yet.

But that does not invalidate 99% of science. Now, it MAY invalidate parts of science, especially the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ (which isn’t hard by the way). Even Roger Penrose seems to be on the right track, and there actually ARE enduring (enough) quantum effects in those microtubules, just like he and Mr. Hammerhoff said. It’s very much worth further research.

But really, I’m not even talking about that.

For example, I had an experience where I was ‘not aware of being in my body, or anywhere else, by the way, for about 3 hours. But nobody told my body that. Nor my brain. Both went humming along for all those hours, working on IT helpdesk tickets, presenting meetings, and writing documentation. All without ‘me’ being there. No, I wasn’t tired, I was well rested. No drugs. No stress. Nothing like that.

When i realized that I was in this world again, I read all the meeting minutes and documentation that THE MOVIE BRAIN had generated. It all sounded quite like ‘me’ but it wasn’t me. i know that, as it was a little more heartless than I tend to be (I don’t tend to be heartless). It was ‘right by the numbers’, but it wasn’t ‘right’.

So, this was one of those ‘consciousness abductions’ that some talk about, to use a metaphor, though really I was just visiting somewhere/somewhen else apparently.
It’s only ever happened the once, like most unusual occurrences, as if you ‘get the lesson’ you might not need a repeat. I got the lesson.

I have ZERO PROBLEM with the brain being quite independent for most functions, and the fact that I wasn’t aware is exactly as it should have been, for me to learn the lesson.

I suppose some might call AWARENESS a ‘soul rider’, but that’s a terrible phrase. In any case, it goes to show that I have zero problem with ‘mechanistic’ solutions for most of
our understandings, so long as they are recognized as an eruption from a deeper layer, well below space/time/the standard model.

Because we see or experience very unusual things, that’s what we are being put into contact with generally through the right brain hemisphere, the enteric nervous system, or some other sensitive part of the body which ‘receives’ a part of the ‘movie’, or the ‘movie viewer’.

That’s why Platonic Surrealism is more aspirational towards understanding ‘in movie physics’ (it could be anything), but it’s still useful to know, than formulating science itself. Platonic Surrealism is more about psychology I would say the psychology of differing parts of the Larger Life, which are often surrealistic (like we see in ‘UFO’ and ‘paranormal reports’).
I do love certainty and science. But it’s only a modest piece of the picture.

Now really, religion harms more than anything; and ‘god’ clearly hates amputees, as they are never healed. But science and technology will give us really fine artificial limbs in the near future. Cures for diseases. I am NEVER dismissive of science, except for when it’s turned into a reductionist religion (scientism). There’s much we don’t understand, like namely what 95% of the Universe is made from, as just one gentle reminder.
Let science do what it’s good at and let the higher-order informational matrices (REALITY)
do the rest of it.

I can’t stand snake oil and bull shit in science OR spirituality Or religion OR philosophy. Admittedly it’s rough work, getting the true nuggets to be revealed, and I mightily respect groups of people working together, checking on each other, and improving models and frameworks over time, that may be of value for further investigation.

Now one last note here for the ‘anecdotalists’. If this Platonic Surrealism is so wonderful and all, or any other ‘mystical frameworks’, then why can’t you derive science with it?

That IS a mighty fine question.

Now my response is that perhaps someday IT CAN. Humans live mostly trapped by conscious rational thought, that is infused into them, against their will by culture and society. Not a lot of people have the freedom to see just what a human being can do creatively in this regard. I mean Einstein’s are uncommon at best. (He is often claimed by the high-functioning autistics) as just one example. There are many examples of people using their creative and visionary capabilities for something more concrete.

But this seems to be a slowly evolving part of being humans, the ability to strongly tap the ‘pre-emergent’ synthesis (POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS, etc.) It’s there, but we are still toddlers apparently.

Now other than that, if let’s say that YOU were some awesome cosmic being (you are actually, but let’s forget that for a moment), and you could do anything, cause anything by just wanting it, why would you learn some math-consistency tricks from the depths of one of your fantasies that you were empowering. You wouldn’t. And such a being (YOU) may not care one lickety split about ‘proving anything’. Why would you? There’s nothing to prove. Every dream has differing ‘in-dream physics’ and you are watching 1000’s of movies at once. Now I know this sounds like a ‘god of the gaps’ or ‘multiverse’ type excuse. And I could respect that impression. But we do seem to be in this exact scenario, that’s the framework in any case. Kevin Cann