Do “Humans” Control Reality?

Have you ever noticed that human math works astoundingly well in conjunction with physics to explain the ‘physical universe’? Don’t just listen to me, the Nobel prize winning physicist Eugene Wigner said the same thing. (“Eugene Wigner presented his famous statement about the “unreasonable effectiveness” of mathematics in the natural sciences in a 1959 lecture titled “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.” This lecture was later published in the 1960 issue of the journal Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics.”)

Have you noticed that there are virtually no reports of “humans being killed” due to UFO’s or UAP’s?

(note: yes, there have been a handful of people harmed around classified military equipment, or when around natural 1.6 GHZ or other natural RF frequencies, but if you take these handfuls out, the number is very close to zero, over all of human history).

Have you noticed that virtual ZERO humans have been killed due to all other unusual claims, such as ‘demons or angles or djinn’, bigfoot, or anything else of that nature?

Oh sure, there has been plenty of menacing and psychologically manipulative behavior, but it really never goes beyond that.

Now why would this be?

Are all the ‘boogey men’ (I’m not saying that they are not real in a sense) perfected beings who would never harm anyone? Even if they are so-called ‘evil beings’?

There are possibly a near-infinite number of beings, from all of space/time/other dimensions/other planets which could be showing up to mess with us, but nobody ever really gets hurt? Does that sound like ‘nature’ to you?

There are over 1,000 reported unusual animal mutilations per year, reported globally (far more probably occur). And it’s not just cattle, horses, sheep, etc., but even aquatic mammals and marsupials (wombats and kangaroos) who have had the extraordinary and ‘supernatural seeming’, impossible to explain mutilations.

But again, not humans.

Even dolphins have experienced the strange mutilations. It is known that Dolphins may be as neurologically advanced and sentient as humans, so that means the source of the mutilations isn’t sparing humans due to their advanced brains and sentience, but for some other reason.

And it’s not just mammals. All manner of creatures have been so mutilated, of every type of life — fist, frogs, toads, even insects — but just not humans.

Also, while we didn’t discuss the precise nature of the bizarre mutilations, the complete absence of hemoglobin (blood) in some bodies, and missing internal organs, with no exterior wounds existing absolutely rule out any ‘natural’ explanation.

I really doubt that we can pin this behavior on weird satanic cults (there really aren’t any to speak of) or to government conspiracies. I mean, there have been plenty of absurdly mutilated animals in the oceans and on both the North and South poles! But in the history of the world, no human has ever been noticed to be doing this sort of disgusting behavior. Also if one wished, one could ‘invoke God’, but that never leads anywhere. And in fact, under monotheism (the predominate religious view) ‘God’ loves killing and mutilating humans; the ‘Holy Bible’ is absolutely full if it. Even the New Testament (‘the new covenant’) is full of stories about ‘God’ smiting humans, not to mention damning for all eternity, torturing and mutilating humans, who had been so sentenced to this fate before they had even been born, before they had ever done good or evil. So ‘God’ is not an explanation either.

So where am I going with tall this mutilation talk, and the math talk?

Nearly the only ‘rational’ conclusion, is that some form of advanced superhumans or their creations (super advanced AI) is behind all of this.

It’s almost like all the really unusual and weird is actually “us”. Some form of us humans.

It’s worth pondering.

Kevin Cann

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