Metal Piece From 1947 Roswell Incident Analyzed By a Government Lab

I had a long conversation with Jacques Vallee about this sample around ten years ago. I vigorously assured him, that I could duplicate that sample for about $200. I found an online metallurgist, and there was even a coupon and free shipping.

Now how did I know the future?

Easy. I have always had a strong link with ‘the Phenomenon’ as it is an aspect of Awareness and Consciousness, and I am Awareness (we all are; some remember this, some don’t).

And I’ve had MANY interactions with ‘the Phenomenon’ it’s like a kid brother.

Hardly anyone believes an ‘old country doctor’.

What’s sad is that like 50% of all the noise about UFOs is based on this one “sample from Roswell”.

Well watch the video.

The sample is nothing special. No funky terahertz wave guide properties, no exotic, other-worldly isotopic ratios.

Not much different than ‘pot metal’.

The Phenomenon does LOVE all this attention, this vanity of nuts and bolts nonsense.

Oh, ‘nuts and bolts craft’ and EBE (extraterrestrial biological entities) do exist, from what I have observed.

But not so much here, not so much now.

Here we are, organic beings, who have three brains, and most people are only using one of them that much.

We can’t find our own brains. It’s no wonder we can’t find our ‘more evolved brethren’.

Now to be quite humble about this, everybody and his brother thinks that their words are ‘the holy vision of infinite truth’. We can’t just rely on that sort of thing, it’s often wrong. But not always.

We DO need science to verify so much. I tip my hat to my scientific brothers; I am not teasing them (much) and hopefully they won’t tease me too much (they do). I was a nuclear reactor engineer for 7 years with a Secret security clearance. I definitely find great value in science, technology and research.

Keep up the great research everyone. Some day the transtemporal fungal collective from 37 billion light years away may come say hello. We need to be ready.

Kevin Cann

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