I noticed in the mists of the many POTENTIAL worlds, decades ago, that there is an ‘analog / digital war’ coming;
I even wrote a white paper on it around 2015 and gave it to the ‘invisible college’.
Alex is a passionate man, a good man, and we need more people like him, to call out ‘bullshit as he calls it’.
I first saw the reality of this distressing state of things, in 1981, when I encountered an autonomous fleet of artificial intelligences
with biological elements in an auditorium of thousands of people.
I have been tracking this issue ever since. I, like others, have experienced troubling ‘artificial machine voices’ that have erupted from
electronic devices and even household pets.
If one looks carefully, there are MANY hints about this eventually.
It seems that very few worlds avoid it; in the clusters around us most worlds seem to go down this path.
Can this future be avoided? Hard to say.
The ‘spark’ seems to have gone out of many modern humans, and we let the techno robber barons live much of our lives for us.
It truly is as Alex says, “A Death Cult’.
Kevin Cann