The Right-Hand Brain Hemisphere and “Free Will”

Research suggests that:

  • Up to 80% of our decision-making process occurs in the subconscious mind, largely driven by the right hemisphere.
  • Emotional intelligence, primarily processed in the right hemisphere, strongly impacts our relationships and behavioral choices.
  • Spatial awareness and navigation, also right-hemisphere dominant, guide our physical actions and movement.

So, while the left hemisphere’s analytical and logical processing is essential, the right hemisphere’s subtle yet profound influences shape our actions in ways we may not fully appreciate.

Now, there are various reasons from physics and neurology why we ‘Don’t have free will”. In Platonic Surrealism itself, it is noted that we
are living in a ‘read-only data archive from the past’, which doesn’t sound very positive for ‘free will’. But there are ‘Bohmian wiggle-room”
channels that allow for some variation’ and of course the Monads that power all beings do not recognize time, so when a ‘new universe’ is
breaking off from the ‘Bulk’, there is this massive food fight of Monadic streamers interacting with it, so in a sense, we get some ‘free will
input’ at a certain level of our being for what it’s worth.

But all that said, the best way to get much, much more ‘free will’ is to develop your ability to fully utilize your right-brain hemisphere
consciously; that’s where all the magic happens.

Kevin Cann

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