Reality May Not Have a Preferred State, but I do

I would prefer if other people would choose less frequently to be assholes. To mind their own damned business as Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota says. To find a scrap of kindness as often as possible. To be less dogmatic. To be more honest.

But ‘REALITY’ wants to experience everything.

So here we F****** are.

But there’s no reason that we as humans can’t choose to tell each other better stories, to veer away from being such dickheads. To stop shooting our own feet off.

Now, “one reality over” there’s a world much more like I prefer. It’s much more like this one, except overall it’s pretty kind and intelligent. Inclusive.

I don’t spend much time there, as it has little to teach me.

I wanted to experience pure fuckupery apparently.

Here I am.

Here we are together.

Let’s stop being dickheads.

We can do it.


Your crazy Uncle,

(the good crazy one)

PS: Does this make me less ‘spiritual’ or ‘evolved’ or ‘transcendent’? Not at all. This ‘world’ (movie, dream) is intended to be fun, to be distracting, to help us forget who we really are;
as if you sit around in ‘god or Buddha consciousness’ all the time, you CAN wash out your personality. You WILL suffer less pain. But it’s a fool’s way of doing things. We all went to a lot of work, to make this place, and to collaborate in all it’s melodrama and teaching possibilities. We should enjoy our work, enjoy our ‘little selves’. They are a part of the natural order too.

It’s almost absurd; a world precisely how ‘little me’ wants it in every possible way, is ‘one world over’ past Albuquerque, and I don’t care for the place much. None of us do, apparently.


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