People need an ‘excuse’ to be their best selves, not ‘science/religion/spiritual’ partisans.
When people have a dark night of the soul, or other spiritual torment, it’s because they call
things true that are actually toxic to them and the world.
Platonic Surrealism gives people permission to be their genuine selves, without putting all these requirements and confusions on them.
When someone aligns their 3 brains and learns to live in harmony with (the proposed)
‘larger life’, then it doesn’t matter what system was used to ‘give permission’ to accomplish that.
Some people can use Zen or some system to get to much the same place, but nearly all of them will get you tangled up ‘inside’, causing unnecessary suffering, which BTW, can cause ‘paranormal events’, thus making people believe that their ‘way’ is the only way.
That’s why we need to harp on ‘the traumatic secret’ to cut through bullshit like that.
Kevin Cann