Everyone cares about free will more than anything, and it’s a modern concern.
In our ultimate being as AWARENESS & POTENTIALITY, we do whatever we want,
which is EVERYHING.
At the Monad level, all Monads try to get their own way, but they bounce off of all the
other Monads. Many learn to collaborate to get things, others are just combative and
At ‘our’ level, there’s trillions of data streams, all trying to get their own way. We have total free will, per se, but that just means we get 1 vote out of trillions.
On top of this, it’s the Right Brain Hemisphere that runs the show, and most people other than a few artists or mystics, and autistics, identify as BEING the left brain hemisphere, and then the right brain hemisphere bosses them around.
They suddenly desire things they cannot avoid (from the limited egos standpoint) and then they feel they don’t have ‘free will’.
When TRUE BEING has untold bits and pieces interacting the entire question of free will is just silly.
If everyone has free will, nobody has free will.
Now, there is ‘apparent free will’, and the more Aware you become, the more you learn to heal yourself, the more visible to you input you have, the more free you feel.
If you identify with the ‘top level’, you feel completely free — free to do anything and everything including ‘enslaving parts of yourself’ — that too is part of ‘free will’.
It’s best not to worry about free will. We have both infinite free will, and no free will.
I have personally found it best, to just ‘go for it’ and to enjoy what both ‘works’ and does not ‘work’ and sometimes later it’s understood ‘what didn’t work’ was for the best anyway, and perhaps was our ‘higher’ free will in action anyway.
And in closing, the more we learn to work together, the more ‘effective free will’ we will feel. Let’s do that, OK?
Kevin Cann