‘The Phenomenon’ IS NOT Ineffable
Humans are outsmarting themselves, with their conscious rational mind processing module, just one of three that humans COULD use,but many often don’t use the other two modules or the emergent…
This category discusses the Platonic Surrealism and ‘real’ ‘UFOs’.
Humans are outsmarting themselves, with their conscious rational mind processing module, just one of three that humans COULD use,but many often don’t use the other two modules or the emergent…
Neither of them are quite correct. The first core story came about due to folks discussing how UFO's must be something that the US government knows about, and before long…
Yes, as PS teaches, we are fictional characters in our own stories. At our core of cores, we are the storyteller, and to avoid loneliness and painwe get caught up…
This is your big question, right? You do know, don't you, that most humans (or all humans) are 'embodied' through a 'worm clump' that typically ranges from 1-100 or more…
The 'falling leaf effect' happens for both 'paranormal' and UFO events. "What is the Falling Leaf phenomenon?The Falling Leaf phenomenon refers to a reported sensation where objects, people, or even…
(also known as "The Transtemporal Fungal Secret: Phosphorous and Sulfur") Overview This IS rather embarrassing, but spores, molds and fungi have been talking to me since I was a toddler.…