All these Words

You might not know it, if you don’t know me personally (and not many do), but I’m not all mister fancy philosophy and endless words, in my true self.

In my right brain hemisphere, there aren’t all those silly words; the herculean attempts to describe something that is not verbal, verbally.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not difficult to understand the ‘ineffable’ (it’s actually ‘effable’). But the left brain hemisphere can’t understand it, that is true. But the ‘egoic hemisphere’ is less than 1/3 of who we all are, while it wants to think that it’s 100% of who we are, and our culture beats on us vigorously, until nearly all thoughts of freedom, independence, creativity and love are either forcibly removed, or vastly repressed in any case.

So why do I write all these silly words? It’ for two reasons.

  1. I will never meet 99% of the people who I’m communicating with, so words are the regreatable medium that i have available to me.
  2. The ‘ego’ needs to be ‘tricked’ into wanting healing. So you have to talk it into taking baby steps.

Now these first baby steps are mostly pointless too, unless the person you are writing for has had an ‘incident’ from the ‘larger life’. An ‘experience’ as it is called, like when you see an impressive up close UFO, or your dead mother comes to visit you or something like that. Then the contrary ego realizes it’s a bit cooked, that there is a huge world out there that it will never properly understand, and THEN it’s worth reading all these many words, like I and others write.

If you are a died in the whool worshipper of science, without any heart of creativity or capacity to be artistic at all, and you don’t get an ‘invitation’ as it were, there’s really little point to reading this sort of material. The ‘movie’ that we are in won’t be showing you any of the auditorium any time soon, maybe someday, maybe never.

Now all these ‘philosophical words’ can be useful to make a framework, and the very art of attempting to build the framework, will heal you and evolve you.

Truly, attempting the ‘impossible’ makes it very much more likely.

In a different world, I just walk around, mostly wordlessly, just loving people, just looking into their eyes. Sometimes talking, sure.

But in this world, we are imprisoned by lonely houses, like fortresses, where we tend to not know our neighbors, and they probably wouldn’t like us if they met us, as we are all put into ‘silos’ due to the Internet and mainstream media.

Then there are all the barriers inside of us, that society, our friends, family and parts of ourselves, build as a reaction to psychological factors and pain.

I’d rather speak to people in person, but it wont’ happen. I can no longer drive.

So I’m stuck writing all these words, and sometimes when particularly blessed, I get to see a few minutes of people’s digital online presences.

I just want you to know that while i can write all these words, and they have a limited use, these words are not now, and never have been ‘me’.

Kevin Cann

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