A Reaction to our Brother Chris Bledsoe

I personally don’t know Chris Bledsoe, or that much about his story, though I have talked to his son Ryan some years ago.

I’m going to make a few reaction comment posts here, as I become more familiar with his case.

  1. Chris mentioned the ‘infinite prayer’ of ‘desperation’ he did, that ‘called out’. Yup. This is an important part of the standard summoning procedure as detailed elsewhere.
  2. The aliens that Chris saw in his first experience had a triangle on their chest. This is CLASSICAL ‘imaginal signaling’. What does the triangle mean? It is their declaration that they are part of his soul, which makes perfect sense. Our literal culture doesn’t know the obvious language of ‘the Phenomenon’, but for thousands of years before, it was just common knowledge.
  3. Chris says that he will document ‘this’ until he dies. Check. Same here.
  4. In his first major experience, he was ‘run over by an enormous bull’. Now typically this is imaginal signaling of massive male
    strength as represented by numerous ‘myths’ around the world. However in this case, Chris then immediately met ‘the Lady’.

    Now I’ve been assuming through my own sources for years now, that it was likely an echo of ‘Saint Mary of Jesus of Ágreda”,
    who was known as the ‘blue lady’ and in a sense there could still be a correlation, as ‘kindred spirits’ tend to congregate.
    The only female goddess or saint commonly associated with the bull that makes any sense at all, is Saint Brigid of Ireland,
    who had a magical bull who provided for those in need. Now i don’t know if our brother Chris has any Irish blood in him,
    as Bledsoe seems an English name, though there seems to be a connection to Ulster, Ireland for some Bledsoe. One could
    mention the Egyptian goddess Hathor, who had ‘horns’ if one wished, and as stated earlier, these types of beings tend to
    congregate according to typology.

    Why do I bring up this DNA thing? Well, I’m personally 51% English, in fact I’m there is a village of Cann in Cornwall,
    the heart of ‘faerie country’, and I get along just fine with faeries. My beloved wife, who is in stage 4 heart failure
    (slowly dying) is being visited by Aesir/Aenir ‘gnomes’ from Norway, and she has Norwegian DNA. Now, I’m not
    bringing up any theories here, but this certainly seems to be a pattern worth investigating.

  5. Chris’s original meeting of the Lady was at 3 AM exactly. 3 AM is a ‘liminal time’ between night and day.

  6. More to come.

    Kevin Cann

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