Well the Fae folks and the ‘grays’ both evolved from the human death carcasses people once called ‘shades’.

That’s the big secret.

The talk of faeries ‘stealing children’ really amounts to them enticing the ‘dream body’ generated by humans

to live ‘more in the land of the dead’ than the living world, and this unhealthy configuration can indeed

exacerbate the likely genetic or birth defects of children like you wrote about in your books.

Lots more details to it than that, but once someone dies and comes back (or has a shamanistic initiation or whatever; a full kundalini awakening, etc), they then

gain ‘the sight’ and can watch all this stuff like it’s a TV show, within certain large limitations.”

Additional note to MC:

“It’s actually precisely like some old occultists said.

Once AWARENESS gets bored with a ‘dream body’ (shade)
then it starts to fade away into a ‘husk’

which then needs to be recycled.

“Life” wastes nothing.”

Kevin Cann
Public Domain