I have written on this topic for 3 years now, but I tend to get too philosophical
and not easy peasy right to the point sometimes.
Everyone and his brother have a different view on God/NDE/UFO/spirituality/Religion
and like with the “Little Red Wagon” story (I hope you all remember that) ***
Everyone tries to ‘out-do’ everyone, with their story; nobody can agree on anything and thus become unified.
Instead, we compete and attack each other.
(Take a moment to read “The Little Red Wagon Story now, please. ***)
[*** Little Red Wagon Theory/Story
There were two kingdoms at war, with a road connecting the two kingdoms, and gate guards at the border of each country.
One day and for many days, a little boy was seen hauling a little read wagon full of interesting contents.
One day it was boxes. One day it was bricks. One day it was straw.
Every day, the ‘enemy guards’ were certain that the little boy was smuggling contraband
across the border, so each day they vigorously tore through all the contents of the wagon,
ever sure they would catch him in the act of espionage.
On the final day, after a particularly long search, the little boy was allowed to continue
and as he crossed the border and went up a small hill, he stopped, with a big ‘shit eating grin’ on his face and said, “You were right! I was smuggling this entire time!”
The guards said, “What! What! were you smuggling?” Were there hidden compartments?
what was your technology or magic? What? What? You were smuggling, what?
The little boy smiled every so wide and shouted back “Little red wagons!”.
In this case, the ‘wagon’ and in fact ‘the boy’ are in fact obvious in plain sight.
The boy is ‘awareness’, who chooses which potential to watch in potentiality
(the ‘wagon contents’), and in fact THE WAGON CONTENTS DON’T MATTER
The ‘Phenomenon’/Spirit/Soul/the Otherworld/the Phenomenon IS PURE IMAGINAL
The tapping and directing of the IMAGINAL is the entire point, perhaps of life itself
in a way, but in INFINITE FORMS, all which are ONTOLOGICALLY EQUIVALENT.
People see all these things, experience all these things, when the point is the ability
to get the experiences, to make something of them, it DOESN’T ACTUALLY MATTER
(causes change, growth, learning, fun).
‘UFOs’ and ‘beings/cryptids’ have infinite forms… and THAT IS THE MESSAGE.
Humans are creators. We can pull ANYTHING ‘from the void’ and then interact
with it. Even the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Now, many of us are on ‘different channels’ (monad paths) so others may or may not see what we summon up, and conversely what these others from Otherworld summon up
(all summoning is mutual).
It’s not always that ‘we summon the UFO’.
It’s just as true to say that the ‘UFO summons us’.
Or the faerie.
Or the cryptid.
Or the owl.
This is the forest people can’t see, due to all the different trees.
Platonic Surrealism is a META framework.
We need a META framework.
(‘Meta is a prefix that comes from Greek and means “beyond” or “transcending”. It’s often used to describe something that is more comprehensive, abstract, or higher-level.’) And then yes, continue to work with whatever contents appear in our individual wagons.
I guess the final comment here, is that while the ‘Universe’ might not care what we summon,
and in fact we have no choice but to choose from among our desires, and WE DO NOT CHOOSE
OUR DESIRES, ‘REALITY DOES’ (as Bernardo Kastrup and many others so accurately and beautifully say), I would highly recommend that ‘good people’ put some peer pressure on their fellows, to tell themselves BETTER, more LIFE AFFIRMING stories, as the ‘Universe’ through us may only be visiting for now, but for now we have to live in this sometimes SHITHOLE of a civilization,
And we could really use a new META to make it more pleasant while we are here. The good news about that? Go ahead and try for something ‘positive’ and if it works, then obviously that was always the plan!
Kevin Cann