Free Will #2 (Apparent Free Will)

At the top level, AWARENESS & POTENTIALITY, there is ONLY FREE WILL, as there is only ONE and nothing to oppose.

But the more ‘fractured your being’, the less ‘apparent free will you have’.

I mean, even ‘fractured beings’ at the very top, have unlimited free will, as EVERYONE
is ‘powered by and ‘descended from’ AWARENESS and POTENTIALITY.

But to get more ‘apparent free will’, you learn to work with others and the ‘universe’.

The more you work with others, the less that is opposing your ‘input’.

The best way to work with others, and the universe, is to first heal your own body/mind
instrument, to be ‘as one’ (healed), then you can hear ‘the others better’ and work with
‘the others’ better, gaining more ‘apparent free will’.

Kevin Cann

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