Platonic Surrealism is Actually Mind-Numbingly Simple

‘Smart’ people and armchair philosophers often outsmart themselves. POTENTIALITY knows I often do.

Here’s the ‘short version’.

POTENTIALITY itself is ‘the potential’ to be anything, at any time, at any place. But in and of itself that’s nearly it. Then something happened. AWARENESS arose. One could argue that it always was there, as it’s ‘just’ a property set / interaction set like anything else, but it hits like a ten ton block. I know, that outside of time and space, saying ‘something suddenly happened’ is silly, but words you know — ever so limiting and corrupting.

Fascinated by this change where nothing changes (nothing happens as it’s all potential), POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS began playing with each other, forming all the dreams (movies) that could possibly exist. For reasons difficult to enumerate, these dreams/movies take ‘no energy’ (heresy to science i know), but when you are atemporal, you can ‘raid the cookie jar’ then ‘put the cookie back unconsumed before momma gets home’ to give you hell for it.

The really major change was reproduction. Very early on (the first non-instant instant), our dynamic duo that are an UNO reproduced. (Yes, ‘fucking OURSELVES, to be very crude).This created that vast sea of monads (a quanta of being), all which are called ‘1 bit beings’ as they are just a smidge different than the ‘original’ (though in a mobius strip time looped atemportal, aspatial way) there never really was just ‘one’ but simultaneously there really is just ONE. The ONE pretends to be many, so it has someone to play with.

When spiritual quanta play at being matter say, they ‘go to sleep’ and let themselves be pushed around very slowly. When spiritual quanta play at being energy, they zing around quite a lot, generally ‘chasing their own tails’ as there is little else to chase.

We must remember to thank our brothers and sisters who play ‘dead’ ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ for us, as they are the palette us little pretend beings, such as humans use to play even more fun games.

When we get tired, we take our turns slumbering as matter/energy or other very incomplete-seeming forms, for the sake of our kin.

Each monad is 1 bit away from being ‘everything’; it basically keeps one tiny ‘offset’ field in the data packet (to use a computing metaphor) and also ‘loops back on itself’ so that it has the ability, someday, to perceive itself.

This takes a maturation process, and requires the diving into and out of ‘forms’ such as exists in Universes.

Now monads are NOT ‘pure awareness’ but dang close. And it hurts really bad for a long time to be ‘incomplete’. So while it’s fun, there’s that kernel of pain there.

Over time (by going into time/universes) you get this ‘grunge buildup’ that some call karma or samskaras or even ‘the Phenomenon’ or even ‘God’. You take all this stuff too personally, and you lock yourself into a pain loop.

But like an amoeba that doesn’t know much from a supposedly ‘objective’ point of view at any rate, that amoeba will need ‘a cattle prod up the ass’ from the environment as an impetuous to evolve in space and time. The kernel of AWARENESS gets its perfect beautiful mirror all smudged up.

Now here is a biggee — there is NOTHING WRONG with ‘slumming’ as an ‘ignorant human’ for most of eternity! Are you having fun, despite the pain? Well wonderful. I personally enjoy living as spores, molds and fungi — and puppies.

Believe it or not, despite what Eastern philosophies say, there is no NEED to become ‘enlightened’. Do you want to be 1% ‘enlightened’ for a trillion years, then stop there? Awesome sauce. Nobody is keeping score, not even you. Do you want to become 99% ‘enlightened’ and go around pretending to be Buddha or the like, across many worlds and times? Well, knock yourself out.

Do you want to be Donald Trump, the personification of stupid lies, repeated endlessly until everyone around him turns stupid? Knock yourself out!

It’s just US “more than God” here.

I say “more than God”, as actually ‘God’ is a human creation, the grunge that sticks on everything as a detrius layer. ‘God’ is really a masterful creation, as it makes everyone suffer, and suffering is one major way that YOU can ‘wake up’ if you feel like it.

The so-called ‘traumatic secret’ is really just the ‘amping up of pain’ to force yourself awake, to get away from the pain — and the only way to get away from the pain is to remember who you really are.

But ‘painlessness’ eventually leads to nonbeing, as if you are just happy all the time, then you start to fade away. All those quirks and self-defense mechanisms fade away (‘the traditional ego’), as you realize that it’s YOUR GAME, ALL OF IT, other than the fact that you are that ‘1 bit’ different than POTENTIALITY.

If you want to peel away trillions of years of detrius (consciousness) then just accept more and complain less. Experience pain if you must. No need to roll around in it, that just makes you a victim, and that’s a very popular game in America these days. Half of the country is victims, wailing over the ‘raw deal’ their victim God is getting. (the adults in the room call him on his infantile lies).

I mention Trump here, as he is sort of a graduation test for me. Can I love and accept him even though he’s playing the role of cosmic trash for us? We will see. There really isn’t any graduation anyway. Ultimately even ‘Buddha-level enlightenment is still a dream’;

some of our ‘most-enlightened’ people, say Alan Watts most certainly agrees. But so-called ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘Liberation’ are very low detrius dreams. Worth going for, if you feel so inclined.

So there you go.

We are the ALL and we play hide and go-seek with ourselves, FOREVER. Hiding then revealing. Revealing then hiding.

There you go. I should have just started with that! But i didn’t! You know why?

It’s like with Life. If you ‘reveal yourself to YOURSELF’ in the first frame of the movie, then there is no movie!

May all your movies be more pleasant. If you feel like it.


Kevin Cann


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