(no I don’t drink, that’s just water in there. I think hip flasks are cool!)

My friends call me Kev! I’m the “Kevin”, co-author with Jeffrey J. Kripal for the book

How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else, University of Chicago Press [2024]. Originally I hadn’t wanted to go public with my identity, to keep my family out of the possible controversy involved with my provocative words and experiences.

However now that I’m retired from the California University system, and my beloved wife is in end-stage heart-failure,
she has urged me to be my genuine self, and not attempt to shield her from any possible fallout. I’ve had
the most amazing friend and partner. I will really miss her.

So, who is Kevin?

It would be easy if I could just list this slick CV, with various PhD’s and impressive accomplishments; you know the
‘permission to exist’ of social media acceptance. I don’t really have any of that, but neither am I a victim or “sad sack”;
I’m strong and loving and have done many things with my time.

I was born in a condemned building in Minnesota, on a farm in the 1960’s. Let me tell you,

that neither my parents nor the community knew what to do with a high-IQ autistic child, who refused to play victim, but
who had from birth apparently, been a natural leader and provocateur. I had three nicknames growing up; “windy Kevin”,
“contrary Kevin” and “Mad Scientist”. All of them fit, to this day. Now one of my friends calls me “The Paladin” and Jeff
sometimes calls me ‘the supernormal meteor that suddenly hit my life!” That’s funny. Also quite a mouthful. Just don’t
call me late for dinner I say.

I was extremely abused growing up, with many beatings and death threats and some sexual abuse as well, both at home,
and even on the school yard in front of teachers.

Well enough of all that. I just wanted to show, that since I write extensively about the link between trauma and supernormal
experiences, the trauma had to be mentioned.

In very brief, here are some of the things that I did with my life:

1. I was aware in the womb and sort of earlier. I have had powerful supernormal
experiences for most of my life. Not so much now. The need for them is largely gone.

2. I did 7 years as a Navy Nuclear Engineer, in charge of 2 nuclear reactors and 80 men.

3. Did a year in a classified warzone and we took casualties.

4. Started a Dot.com that made me over 2 million dollars, using only an 8 page website.

5. Put in 31 years as an information technology admin/architect/engineer for top companies.

6. For about ten years, I was a member of a mystical research organization that studied “Kundalini”. I did this to further investigate
all the anomalous experiences that I’d had, mainly due to my autism and child abuse.

7 In 2013 I summoned a black triangle UFO and a “visitor”, rather point blank range with interaction (a CE5 it’s called).

8. My life was really messed up due to ontological shock for something like five years.
I mean, IT HAD WORKED. I had theoretically thought that it might, but IT HAD WORKED.
It really rocked my world.

9. Oh, I forgot to mention, before the UFO summoning I had died then come back to life;
this was also a fascinating and informational experience, and it in fact was tied to the
UFO summoning.

10. I was involved a fair bit in the UFO community for a while, and got to meet some wonderful people, such as Jacques Vallee
and other famous researchers. Two of those lovely people are now dead, I must say with sadness. They were part of the ‘old guard’
who are no longer spring chickens.

11. Then in early 2022 I became acquainted with Jeffrey J. Kripal and we wrote that book together. My contribution was
mostly chapter 3, but I reviewed the entire manuscript, and Jeff did a hell of a job.

12. This takes us to the present day. I’m currently working on fully remembering and documenting the framework
Platonic Surrealism, which I’m using to ‘explain everything’ and which is a form of something I developed when
i was 12 years old, to stabilize my citizenship in ‘two worlds simultaneously’. The ‘fate of a mystic’ as one might say.

Well, that’s me.

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. While I’m still working with a variety of academics and researchers, this particular website/blog is at present “pure Kevin”.

Welcome and warm wishes,
