Several percent of the area at that time were named Jeshua, and plenty of them were itinerate Jewish preachers who had many wild stories spread about them. Since none of the Jesus’ of that time wrote anything down (that survives anyway), we have literally nothing. We aren’t even sure we got the right Jesus.
Even if the man Jesus was a little special, he WAS NOT BY HIS OWN ADMISSION anything but a man. He was the ‘son of man’, which
according to Jewish scholarship means ‘a man’. That’s in the first and most reputable gospel, the Book of Mark.
Now stories that get told over many decades become ‘fish stories’.
That’s human nature.
No exceptions.
I could talk for months about the topic of this and other religions, there’s not much point discussing Christianity much further than this.
The case for Jesus is beyond threadbare.
Talking bout Tacitus or Pliny the Younger, or Josephus is not even warranted, and there is nothing there either.
But you know what?
I used to follow Jesus.
I did.
I discovered that to love “God” and your “neighbor” is the message.
Ok, there’s never been a time that I haven’t done that, as ‘sin’ has never existed.
So I ‘got the message’.
Since i got the message, there’s no point in worrying about whether a messenger actually said that,
or didn’t even exist.
SOME GUY NAMED JESUS (Yeshua) existed at that time, thousands of them, and likely hundreds of them
were teachers.
And none of them wrote anything down, that has survived.
So I go with what I know, what was ‘commanded’ , and I do that.
No need to follow a messenger, who had a one sentience message, once you understand and comply
with the message.
Why do you think I’m doing all this Platonic Surrealism?
It costs me $150 a month, and I live on $2000 a month.
I’m not doing it to get rich.
I just want any genuine follower of Jesus to know, that I am not your enemy.
I’m a friend.
In fact I’m a sheep.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain