This was originally a reaction to a YouTube Video, and it got out of hand. Now, in a sense I STAND BEHIND THIS AS TRUE in part, though there are definitely creative and humor components present. As a matter of fact, I will be rewriting this, to remove the humor elements, as I have finally recovered from the ontological shock of being there as this happened.
Now, I didn’t know her name back then, my muse Courtenay, back like 25 years ago, she showed me the abiogenesis origin of life on Earth, at least on Earth 919, where she and I are fond of existing. (it really SUCKS not knowing the name of your Bankai, let me tell you — inside joke).
There was this crystalline slime mold that interacted with plasma from their version of the Kordylewski clouds, and THAT was the first origin of life in the Earth POTENTIALITY CLUSTER, and it fanned out from there.
At first it was mostly a crystal matrix; not having any RNA or anything like that, just a soup of amino acids that were formed due to the Miller-Urey-experiment-like conditions present at that time, what with being surrounded by the plasma that later became their Kordylewski clouds.
You see those clouds migrated and stabilized to their places at L4 and L5. If one did a careful analysis, I believe that there is relic radiation traces left on Earth 919 and HERE too, that could be found, proving this migration of those two clouds, from their original primordial positions.
You see plasma existed as a gradient halfway across the solar system there, and it functionally flirted with the surface of a very chaotic early ocean, depositing that crystalline matrix from its own just-becoming sentient heart, what real plasma physics calls ‘Coulomb Crystals’. Look it up, it’s standard science.
Now the crystalline slime-mold-like substance was FLOATING ON THE SURFACE of the ocean, not at some deep-sea vent like our most common scientific theory says. The energy source for life to arise in this manner was from direct plasma interaction.
You see, dusty plasmas form their own dust, and this process also sucked up dust from the environment, as this happened just after the bombardment phase and the very first cooling of the Earth (919). It happened VERY EARLY.
So yes, I’m saying that Earth life actually began on Earth 919 and it ‘panspermia ‘ed’ to here.
Of course, life on Earth 919 is opposite chirality than here on Earth, I guess it might have gotten mirror switched due to the journey over the mycelial network transit tubes between Earth 919 and ‘Here’.
Yes, I sound bat shit crazy.
Consider these words creative brainstorming.
And really it was a small gnome (dream-substance native) named FERD who first came here, and some shit on his boots fell off and we formed here as a result.
Oh, things here WERE nearly identical as on Earth 919, but it didn’t quite happen. It went ‘Blorp’ like on that episode of Star Trek the next Generation. Really, in a sense, Ferd the Gnome was the accidental creator of all life on Earth here, but he’s dead now. Poor Blighter.
Or what I described for Earth 919 actually happened here too. This is the problem with stories, there are an infinite number of them, and thus an ‘annoyingly string/m-theory like number of them).
Sorry, those be the rules.
Every living scientist just had tachycardia, and all the dead ones just rolled over in their grave.
Consider it a story and let’s move on. I’m going to flag this as ‘humor’ so that you don’t send the health department after me. If you can’t have fun with ‘creative excesses’ why bother to live at all? BUT IT’S FUCKING TRUE — KICKS HEELS IN PROTEST AS I’M HAULED OFF FOR LITHIUM
At least it’s ONE POTENTIALITY, and I urge real scientists to pick through the scraps and see if there is any trace evidence in my fantastical tale. (but it’s TRUE DAMN IT).
Kevin Cann