The reason I don’t talk about ‘base reality’ or ‘upper reality’ is because that is the talk of ‘incompleteness’; the talk of ‘the manifest’.
Yes, indeed, POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS are ‘as real and objective as it gets’.
But POTENTIALITY doesn’t want anything. Nearly doesn’t DO anything (AWARENESS
does the doing).
All the religions, all the spiritual systems, modern science, want a ‘hyper attainment or ascension level’; a ‘god’ or ‘enlightenment’, or in science’s position a Theory of Everything.
Sorry it doesn’t work that way.
There is the POTENTIAL for everything, but like in Trika Shaivism (Kashmiri Tantra) ‘Shiva’
is a dead corpse in the graveyard, and Shakti must ‘mount him’ or nothing exists.
We are ‘Shakti’s orgasm fantasy’ while she mounts the dead and unresponsive
Metaphors there, but really powerful ones.
Yes, consciousness is a TINY subset/contraction of the total field of play of
It shouldn’t be worshipped. And humans HAVE ACCESS to that which is
beyond ‘consciousness’ too.
‘Consciousness’ is a temporary and ever-changing form. A momentary tool;
a momentary coloring of the stained glass in the church window, through which
the sun shines (Jeffrey J. Kripal metaphor there).
Consciousness too is a ‘fantasy’, an incomplete form.
All the systems, cultural, political, religious, spiritual, philosophical, metaphysical want to
define some ‘base reality’ or ‘upper reality’.
But in Platonic Surrealism, no ‘fantasy’ gets to ‘capture the flag’.
All ‘fantasies’ are ontologically equivalent, and NOT IMPORTANT on any ultimate scale,
though sometimes love and friendship and beauty emerge, and those ARE WONDERFUL
and worth experiencing.
But nobody, not even ‘god’ gets to capture the flag.
Kevin Cann