Let’s build a fort together on the Island of Misfit Toys!
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Thought of the day: “We are PURE AWARENESS. Everything else is distraction.” (Some is happy, some is miserable)

Platonic Surrealism (PS) is about confronting bullshit with TOUGH LOVE and providing tools to break free from it. You might not realize it at first, but this effort is about LOVE and building connections that endure and HEAL.
But the entire world is DYING due to BULL SHIT. We have to clear that out, before the seeds of love and connections with each other can bloom. Platonic Surrealism is a framework to free your mind, emotions and body from toxic culture.
It is neither theistic nor atheistic but it envelopes all of that, helping people to fill the hole in theirs hears, and to help with the yearning to understand in their own bodies, the ‘transcendent’ (the higher laws of physics). PS is not twaddle, not anti-science, but is anti-dogmatism
from any source, especially from religion, spirituality, science and culture.
It is not a cult. It has no ‘dear leader’. It can bring us all together. Yes, it is aspirational. But it is quite REALIST about the nature of things.
It was first remembered (developed) by Kevin Cann, a co-author of Jeffrey J. Kripal in the book : How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else, University of Chicago Press, 2024.
The system is very cordial with: atheism, philosophy, metaphysics, spiritualism, Yoga etc. It is especially kindly disposed towards humanists, and other species. It is NOT friendly to dogmatic believers of any religion, including scientism, though it recognizes the unique contributions of many of the founders, who likely had high-functioning autism.
If you are a beloved Atheist brother, you might want to view this translation matrix first thing.
If you are a visual mystic or artist, you might want to view this page first thing.