What kind of junior, apprentice cosmic seer would I be, if i wasn’t waving something around that was COMPLETELY BAT SHIT CRAZY?
I would be a failed one. It goes with the costume and costume jewlery.
I don’t really have many such warnings.
I mean, we live in a read-only data archive in the past, so not much point in sharing anything about the future, unless I want to put a very large and uncomfortable target on my back.
Which I don’t.
I don’t want to impress anybody.
I don’t want Bentleys or devotees.
I want my wife, who I love very very much, who is dying of end-stage heart failure who I cannot help much at all,
as there’s no ‘hocus pocus’ for this that i know, and I lack a few thousand dollars a month for the rest of her life, that
would make her much more comfortable and maybe give her ten more years, the ten years that I want too.
I love her, and my friends, and my puppy. That’s mostly it.
I do like writing about Platonic Surrealism, as in Earth 919 Voltaire over there invented it, and that Earth became much
closer to being a paradise compared to our world, which very nearly counts as a Buddhist Hell World due to recent world
events and many others, I’m not just picking on one reckless person. We’ve been going down the drain for at least 2,000 years.
But anyway, yah, I’m not omniscient or holy or anything, those things don’t really exist. I’m much the same as everyone else,
who has all the same potential as me, but they might have to work very very hard for it, for much of their life.
Anyway, I have just ONE ‘wild-haired and wild-eyed WARNING so far, and it’s listed below this page,
and it’s largely backed by science.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain