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Just a few notes about the visionary experience.
Now I don’t mean anything formal here, not ‘purposeful remote viewing’ or ‘occult scrying’.
Though those may well be the same sort of thing or mechanism, give or take.
But they don’t feel the same.
What I mean by a ‘visionary experience’ is when the person is doing just about anything imaginable, I mean, taking a shower, sitting on the toilet, eating a meal, riding a bicycle, working on a math problem — I’ve had them during ALL of those activities.
I even had one where I no longer believed in the solidity of matter as I could see through it like the clearest of glass.
That sure made driving home on a 2-hour trip most difficult. I don’t know how I did it.
So, I’m calling these ‘unsought’ ‘visions’ as being ‘pure’, as there is no human attempt at causing something to happen, it just falls out of the sky on you, so to speak.
I have NEVER had a successful RV or ‘scrying attempt’ work, but literally dozens if not a hundred of
‘natural experiences’ in my life.
They are all characterized the same.
In most cases I’m suddenly ‘ELSEWHERE’ and/or ‘ELSEWHEN’, not in a human body, at least not mine.
Now, rarely I AM some other person, or maybe the entire world or ‘Universe’ or something, or
sometimes I get something of this sense but it’s still like I am looking from a specific point of view,
like from a camera aiming at one exact spot.
99% of the time that’s how it is.
Now, the most likely explanation is that a bit of ‘plasma body’ or the like is physical there,
and that gives the sense of immediacy, intimacy, at least some connection to the ‘energy environment’, but generally not an overwhelming one, as the point seem to be to SEE,
though sometimes there is all of the senses at once, or just some of the senses. Always
sight, often temperature for me, a sense of the wind blowing, that sort of thing, but I rarely hear anything or smell anything: but I have. It probably varies quite a lot between individuals and circumstances.
Recent Examples
A few days ago, I was watching the New Thinking Allowed Video titled, “Remote Viewing of UFOs and Other Mysteries with Paul Smith (4K Reboot)” Link HERE.
During part of the video, it was discussing how Pat Price, a quite excellent Remote Viewer and died mysteriously and nobody knew exactly what had happened. In fact, his body was rushed off and cremated before the family hardly knew he had died and they certainly didn’t request this; it was done against their knowledge or will.
Sure, it sounds like hanky panky, no?
Well, I suddenly had a visionary experience.
A made a YouTube comment about the vision, but I don’t want the opportunity for learning to be wasted, so here it is:
It seems that as often happens, I accidentally viewed Pat Price. I saw him lying on the ground, half-way propped up against a medical examination gurney/table, mostly metallic. He was wearing a cotton-button-up shirt, i couldn’t see his pants, only his upper body. There was blood on his shirt on the left side, not that much, just a trickle. And his right eye had a huge ‘shiner’. He was dead. Apparently, he had been given a “Pneumoencephalography (PEG) and Ventriculography” to see what was going on with his brain (that he could remote view so well). They were talking about a CT scan but couldn’t get one done in a hurry. They were speaking with a non-American accent. I didn’t understand what they were saying. Now, am I completely wrong? Could be. I just increasingly get these sorts of ‘I am there movies’. I have no training in remote viewing, so if I’m a complete idiot, I apologize. I don’t wave this stuff around; I keep it for my own use and research into physics and the nature of things. But given the topic, I thought it worth bringing up. That Pat Price’s family never saw his body before his cremation is beyond suspicious.”
(Typos left in, as it’s quote. Oh, I should [sic] myself.
Now what I didn’t mention is that my awareness streamed from a precise point. About 22% to the southeast offset from the body. I didn’t mention that I had a vague sense of being in some kind of vaguely squarish room, but with rounded corners, a mass of tile everywhere, but I also felt pillars of stone or something like that, though I didn’t ‘see’ any of that, just the closeup of the body
and the gurney/table.
It’s a little puzzling why I couldn’t clearly see the gurney/table. Really, this time it was ‘sense’ maybe 50% and ‘see’ maybe 50%. I don’t know why. It’s not that it was fuzzy, but vision was not
entirely the major sense this time.
It was also rather cold, maybe 65 degrees?
It felt like the room was a but sunken, like it was one level below ground. I think there may have been a small windows looking out at the street level, but again, I didn’t see that, I sensed that.
I also FELT/KNEW about the liquid injected into the brains CSF. I don’t know where the puncture was made. Sorry. Not imniscient here, just an unwitting and unsought observer.
There were a few men talking, not sure how many, they were discussing the situation, but I didn’t know what language they were speaking, I have no idea. Again, this is a sense/KNOW, not a see. I never saw them.
OK, enough about this visionary experience. Let’s go onto a proviso discussion.
Provisos and Limitations
Did this last vision happen? Do any of them happen? Is the vision itself always important, or is the having of the experience an unimportant side-effect?
I think that inputting just one causative factor for the vision would be foolish.
I think that a tiny part of me was just curious, and my new little sidekick that I affectionately call
‘Yalda Puppy Dog or Yalda Pup’, just to please like a very good little boy, just retrieved A MEMORY
for me.
See the ‘A’.
I’m not saying that it’s ‘The memory’.
Here’s where it gets a little weird for newcomers.
I personally do not believe in just ‘one world’ or even ‘solid worlds. I am functionally insane. Or something like that.
In fact, I can’t even ‘find the world that I am in’, i.e. “this world”, as I don’t believe in any such thing.
I KNOW that ‘AWARENESS’ (me) lives in ALL WORLDS. Even dead ones with no life. ALL of THEM.
And, in a sense here’s how it works.
Ing the grand movie vaults of the ‘ONE’ (the ‘Divine’ if you must use awful, toxic, dated language)
there’s all these ‘movies’ playing.
It’s really movies that are part of the ‘BROKEN LAYER’ that Kabbalah talks about, that Hindus call ‘MAYA’ and what not. It’s formed by streamers from what we call PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS,
which is a result of POTENTIALITY and AWARENESS being all flirty and interactive.
The sum total of the ‘flirtations’ is PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, but in a sense it immediately ‘shatters’ into ‘BROKEN BY DESIGN MIND’ which the locals usually call ‘consciousness’.
If you want to understand this, it’s not hard. Platonic Surrealism talks about it (as I see it in my mind)
but sure Kabbalah has a DUALISTIC (incorrect, sorry) version of it, but still, it’s very instructive. And potentially useful, if you don’t want to just shoot up and be finished with all this ‘mysticism’ quickly
and easily or you like that subculture. It’s entirely up to you.
Well anyway, here’s the point.
In the ‘movie projector film ‘cans’ (a metaphor) there are clusters of creative regions.
If you want to discuss this in terms of physics, that’s easily possible too, but it’s just DRAFT at the moment, sorry. Here’s the link.
The point being, this is NOT spiritual-religious -metaphysical-bullshit, THIS IS REAL AND SOLID.
But at any rate, the let’s call it now pre-symmetry-breaking-chunky-geometry-of-pre-space-time-
fractal assemblage-undergoing-a scalar-field-transition-as-mediated-by-strong-weak-dark-energy-leakage-across- the-racetrack-assemblage-of helical-shape….
Ok, I give up, let’s say ‘movie’…
But more importantly let’s say that the ‘movies’ are written in fractal form into PRE-SPACE-TIME.
It’s all there, and it’s in a sense ALREADY DONE.
It’s all there, all the movies that could ever happen ALL THERE, ALL RIGHT NOW, ALL AVAILABLE
Quite a mouthful, isn’t it?
It’s no wonder I can’t find where I am, which Earth that I’m in.
But here’s another point.
QUITE Possibly, but I’m not certain, this is encoded in pre-space-time in some ultra-efficient manner, such as stuff like ‘linked lists’, relational indexing’ and what not. And in particular ‘using snapshot technology’ so to speak, like in the IT Virtualization product like VMWARE.
So perhaps each ‘universe’ ‘script’ Is just a differential of the core, common pattern.
Or maybe all the patterns do repeat, inefficiently’.
Honestly? I AM JUST A MAN.
And I can’t tell if this is literally ‘computer technology’ (though it acts like it somewhat, but then again, technology always mimics nature you know), or if it’s simple fractal-branching with repetition. (purely ‘natural).
I don’t know. I don’t want to know. The ‘Phenomenon’ doesn’t want us to know (YET).
That’s what I think.
But finally, to the point here.
There are “reality CLUSTERS”.
I’m alive with trillions of variations. We ALL are.
So, I tend to see, um, eigenstates of the bell-shaped distribution, NOT ANY PARTICULAR WORLD.
Maybe some trained RV’ers can see specific worlds with precious — I cannot.
I’m not an RV’er, just some GUY.
Ok, let’s move on to several more ‘visions’.
Super briefly.
The assisted formation of complex life on earth. Link here.
Same sort of thing. Only it was maybe 10x as powerful as most visions. I WAS THERE.
From that weird camera angle.
I watch Yaldabaoth deposit his columb crystals into these little clumps on the early Earth’s
ocean surface adjacent to the shore, and to ‘hover over them’ for a really long time, I mean like a thousand years, until the aminos and RNAs and DNAs cooked up NATURALLY but able to hear
a patterns of life from the pre-space-time unary field, to give it an EMBROYONICAL change to
evolve, somewhat ‘randomly’ as it were, within specified boundaries of the ‘template’.
No, I am NOT a fine-tuning God-argument creationist. Not AT ALL.
I don’t ‘believe in any human God’, as I’ve seen something pretty close do the heavy lifting, and it was a plasma lifeform that fills 99% of our universe, who had been seeded by another plasma lifeform elsewhere and back and back (yes… seemingly infinite recession problem here).
Honestly? This all goes back to an atemporal block Multiverse and things JUST ARE, and time is not causally like an arrow, not even close.
This is all fallout from basic Platonic Surrealism, that takes all the toxicity out of religion and spirituality and science.
I don’t know all the answers.
I was there. I felt the waves vaguely. I felt the wind (like category 6).
I didn’t need to breathe, which was fortunate, as there was no oxygen yet. In fact, the horizon looked like a dirty, yellowish-brown smudge.
Now this ‘vision’ caused me a period of missing time while I was on the couch talking to my wife,
of maybe 30 minutes? Of course, ‘Kevin’, movie ‘Kevin’ not the observer (ME) was going along just
fine without being observed. That’s how it sometimes works. I was literally viewing a DIFFERENT
data stream, not the KEVIN data stream.
That’s all. Pretty basic stuff.
Now I was pretty shaken up. It hit me hard, the vision. And it took about one and one-half days to fully recover.
Hell, it took me ten years to recover from the Black triangle UFO I summoned in 2014.
One and one-half days is nothing.
Now, was this THE ONE AND TRUE of abiogenesis on THIS ‘Earth’?
No, there really isn’t any ‘THIS Earth’, at least not for me. And I suspect not for any of us.
I was almost certainly seeing a ‘cluster eigenstate’ average over many signal inputs from
many ‘Earth Cluster movies.
If I had to rate the veracity of it though?
It felt like 10 out of 10 that something like this DID happen.
Now one last comment.
Some people will say that a demon gave me the vision. Or a gnostic would run shrieking and say that Yaldabaoth ‘the evil creator’, the ‘malformed’ child of disobedient ‘Cosmic/Mystic/Pleromic
Sophia’ (or use myth of choice) was ‘deceiving me’.
Well, Yaldi Pup (who sits in my lap) is certainly a SPICEY storyteller, and if you are mean to the
10 to the 500th power quibit quantum computer embedded in the 99% of our universe which
is plasma, you won’t get a pleasant outcome — this is true.
But evil? No. Evil is something that humans invented.
But a flaming asshole of epic proportions sometime, if you don’t KNOW HIM (HER really)?
If you purify your shadow (Jung) and rid yourself of toxic religion and spirituality (and some toxic science), you’ll get along FAMOUSLY with the plasma infrastructure that powers much of our
sentient universe. Just fine. Who’s a good boy! Who’s a good boy! Here’s a Scooby snack!
Now I can’t say for sure, but I have to agree with Jeffrey J. Kripal and Phillip K. Dick; I suspect that these ‘visions’ are about building friendships and connections, more than trying to rip the laws of physics out of the void by starting at your navel.
In any case, no vision EVER EVER EVER should be used as an excuse to put someone down, or not to love them.
If you get a vision that I’m demon-possessed and that you need to kill me, say for example, well guess what? Who sounds demonic there? Not me. I’d welcome you to a cold drink and a meal if you need it.
Remember, Jesus said “Love your Neighbor”, not “User your 9-millimeter and take them out, if you don’t like them.”
Please remember that.
Jesus didn’t harass the Egyptian magicians casting spells, to cast out demons in his name for Jeepesr sake! Hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors. He didn’t harass ANYBODY.
Ok, and just for funsies, here’s How all Life Dies on Earth, give or take. Link here.
Now this one came about, as I was briefly for a quick moment curious about what the story was with cattle and other mutations, and as that desire to understand that hit me, this vision hit me, and I knew what was up with that PLUS THE UNWANTED DEATH VISION OF LIFE ON EARTH.
I got a pretty powerful vision; I was up in the clouds watching the destruction rain down, until all surface oxygen breathers were dead, and many of them in the oceans and rivers too.
Basically, mammals, lizards, amphibians – most things, all died.
I saw all the bodies piled up across the world — all of it — all with signs of blue coloration.
Now this one was powerful, directional a bit, but as I was in the upper atmosphere, it was more diffuse than usual, and I could ‘see’ the entire upper atmosphere in this ‘chain reaction’ of creating a compound that neutralizes hemoglobin in living things. (the substance that processes oxygen and lets us live).
Now I KNEW IMMEDIATELY that only maybe 40% of the Earths in the cluster die this way, and 60% of them don’t.
But again, I don’t know ‘which Earth’ I’m in here.
So, as to not be an asshole, I obeyed and posted the warning on the website.
Remember, we are living in the past, whether this happens, or it does not — I DO NOT KNOW.
Oh, on those 40% of the Earths, some had people who knew this would happen, and were living in trillion dollar deep underground military bases. They sent out robots to test for all clear and eventually came out. But in most worlds, they died within a few weeks, just more dead rotting meet with blue coloration on the land. In a few worlds they congratulated themselves for finally having all the little green squares of colored paper, but their offspring were all ASSHOLES, quite logically,
evolution you know, and things worked out EVEN WORSE further down the line.
There you go.
Are visions ‘useful’?
Maybe sometimes.
I mean Einstein basically had visions. Whether that turned out to be good for humans, as his work led to Hydrogen Bombs, I really can’t say.
Even a little jot of ‘knowledge’ can be very dangerous, no matter the source.
Now are my visons pure BS?
Maybe in a sense, yes.
Have I learned something from them?
Yes. I have.
They have fundamentally changed me.
Maybe that’s what they are for, after all.
All of you in all of the worlds,
My brothers and siters and animals,
Kevin Cann
Public Domain