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The basic premise is that the Kordylewski Clouds at L4 and L5, and other sentient plasma sources are the explanation for many of the great mysteries on planet Earth. In this paper we look at two case studies of this premise.
Number one, we briefly look at Phillip K. Dick.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, the major event of 1974 that the author and mystic Phillip K. Dick experienced was during a historic geomagnetic storm.
Number two, we briefly look at the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly and unusual occurrences
in Brazil.
The basic premise is that during geomagnetic storms and other sunspot-related space weather type events, that the gigantic plasma beings the Kordylewski clouds at L4 and L5 have increased,
unfiltered access to its offspring on Earth, the plasmids, and also to its hybrid matter/plasma offspring. (Us).
The basic thing to note, is that while there are tons of sentient plasma on Earth, the Earth is wrapped up in various protective layers from the sun, which incidentally blocks access to the Kordylewski beings, who helped life form on Earth, and it’s offspring, both pure plasma and hybrid plasma beings such as us.
These blocks include the magnetosphere, the thermosphere, the exosphere, the ionosphere,
and the Van Allen radiation belts are related, etc.
In short, if ‘Mamma and Pappa Kordylewski’ want to ‘phone home’ they have to wait for, or cause
space weather events.
Now there is another way to communicate that bypasses all these ‘force fields’, but it’s only strongly active in a few people. We look at the general case here.
Phillip K. Dick and Plasma Symbiosis
Now all living things have a cold plasma interface, or they couldn’t be sentient at all.
But some people, like Phillip K. Dick attract a surplus of the stuff and it affects them deeply.
Now simple religious and spiritual practices often contribute to this surplus, or sometimes people just get ‘hit with lightning’ so to speak, or in PKD’s case, both were true.
Phillip K. Dick’s peak spiritual experiences all occurred during a historic high period of solar weather.
1972 – 1974 was filled with historically powerful solar storms;
PKD’s “radiation phosphene stimulation” (Refers to stimulation (generally by radiation) of the eyes or brain that causes the ‘fire’ (flashes of light). In this case, it was the geomagnetic surges, not actual Ionizing radiation that hit PKD
August 1972 was the strongest, but in February of 1974, at the time of PKD’s pink light effect this was happening:
Phillip K. Dick had his strongest spiritual experience ever, while he was staring at a young girls’ boobs, who was delivering medication to him (legal drugs really). She was wearing a ‘fish symbol’, and thus PKD became even more enamored by Christianity. But neither the boobs nor the fish were involved with anything (well the boobs kept him hypnotized and passive, and more ready for the plasma jolt of pink light that hit him and caused his self-hypothesized radiation phosphene stimulation.
1974 saw an active region on the Sun with numerous sunspots, known as the MR 11976 region. This region was facing Earth and produced several solar flares.
Reference on Geomagnetic Storm Effects:
Geomagnetic Storm: These solar flares caused a geomagnetic storm on Earth. While the exact strength and details of this storm may vary depending on the source, it’s generally accepted that a significant storm occurred around that time.
Geomagnetic Storms and Induced Currents: Solar storms cause disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field, leading to geomagnetic storms.
These storms can induce electrical currents in long conductors, including power lines, but also potentially within the human body. These induced currents, while generally weak, could be enough to stimulate the visual cortex or other parts of the brain involved in vision, leading to phosphenes. –
There you go! The Science of the PKD’s mysterious pink light.
Next up, the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly by Gemini.AI:
“Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and Paranormal Activity in South America: An Examination of Sightings in Relation to the South Atlantic Anomaly
The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is an area where the Earth’s inner Van Allen radiation belt comes closest to the Earth’s surface. This area of weakened magnetic field strength is centered over the South Atlantic Ocean, extending from South America to Africa1. The SAA can have significant effects on satellites and other spacecraft due to an increased flux of energetic particles1. This article will examine known UFO and paranormal sightings in South America, particularly the work of Jacques Vallee, and compare and contrast the number and severity of these events in the SAA overlap with South America to the rest of the continent.
The South Atlantic Anomaly
The SAA is a fascinating geological feature with a weakened magnetic field strength, which allows charged particles from the sun to penetrate deeper into the Earth’s atmosphere. This can cause increased radiation exposure for astronauts and disruptions to satellite operations1. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope is unable to gather astronomical data when passing through the SAA1. The SAA is also associated with increased antiproton levels, suggesting the Van Allen belt confines antiparticles produced by the interaction of the Earth’s upper atmosphere with cosmic rays1.
Jacques Vallee’s Work in South America
Jacques Vallee, a renowned scientist and UFO researcher, has conducted extensive research on UFO sightings and paranormal activity in South America2. Vallee’s work challenges the traditional extraterrestrial hypothesis and suggests that UFOs may be interdimensional or even a manifestation of a non-human intelligence that has been interacting with humanity for centuries2. He argues that the current scientific, political, and spiritual modes of understanding are not equipped to handle these experiences2.
Vallee has investigated numerous cases in South America, including a personal investigation of 40 UFO sightings around the world3. In his book, Confrontations, he documents these investigations, presenting eyewitness accounts and detailed analyses3. Through his research, Vallee concluded that UFOs are neither imaginary nor extraterrestrial, but rather represent a real technology with potentially hostile implications3. One of the cases he investigated in South America was the 1980 case of two men found dead on Morro do Vintem hill in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil4. The men were discovered with crude metal masks and notes, and their deaths remain unexplained4.
Vallee began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, the paranormal, and folklore in the late 1960s3. His observations were detailed in his book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers, in which he suggested a multidimensional hypothesis3. According to this hypothesis, the entities associated with UFO sightings could be multidimensional, existing beyond space-time and thus coexisting with humans while remaining undetected5. He argues that unexplained close encounters are more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth, and the humanoid body structure of the alleged “aliens” is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel5.
UFO and Paranormal Sightings in South America
South America has a rich history of UFO and paranormal sightings. These sightings are often intertwined with local folklore and beliefs, adding a cultural dimension to the phenomenon.
UFO Sightings in Brazil
Brazil is considered a UFO hotspot, with numerous reported sightings throughout its history6. Some of the notable incidents include:
- 1947: José Higgins, a topographer, claimed to have encountered humanoid figures emerging from a landed UFO7. This is one of the earliest documented UFO sightings in South America.
- 1957: Two sentinels at Itaipu Fort suffered burns after being hit by a heat wave from a UFO7. This incident highlights the potential danger associated with some UFO encounters.
- 1977: The Colares UFO flap involved numerous sightings of UFOs that allegedly attacked citizens with radiation beams, leaving burn marks and puncture wounds7. This led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the codename “Operação Prato.” 7
- 1986: Jet fighters were scrambled to intercept UFOs capable of hypersonic flight and 90-degree turns7. This incident, known as the 1986 Brazilian UFO incident, involved multiple sightings across southeastern Brazil.
- 1996: The Varginha UFO incident involved reports of strange creatures and a UFO8. This incident garnered extensive media coverage and remains one of the most well-known UFO events in Brazil.
Paranormal Sightings in South America
Beyond UFO sightings, South America is also home to numerous paranormal hotspots with diverse manifestations:
- Chilean Patagonia: Known for its haunted tales, including the Ghost Station of Carrizal Bajo, where the ghost of a former stationmaster is said to be waiting for a train that will never arrive9. The Valdés Peninsula is also associated with supernatural stories9.
- Peru: The Casa Matusita in Lima is considered one of the most haunted houses in Latin America10. Built on the site of an ancient prison, it is associated with stories of witchcraft, poisonings, and unexplained deaths10. One of the most enduring legends is that of Parvaneh Dervaspa, a Persian woman accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake, whose vengeful spirit haunts the house10.
- Peru: The town of Pisco is the burial place of Sarah Ellen Roberts, an English woman accused of being a vampire11. According to legend, the Church of England refused her burial in consecrated ground, and her husband eventually brought her body to Pisco11.
Folklore and Legends
Many paranormal sightings in South America are intertwined with local folklore and legends, such as:
- Encantado: A shapeshifting creature from Brazilian folklore that lives in the Amazon waters and takes the form of dolphins or sea snakes11. It is said to lure victims with its beauty and musical talent before kidnapping them11.
- La Llorona (The Wailing Woman): A pre-Hispanic legend of a woman who drowned her children and now wanders the streets mourning and weeping12.
Controversies and Conspiracies
Adding another layer to the discussion about UFOs are controversies and conspiracy theories, such as the “Majestic 12” document. This document alleges that technicians from the Sandia National Laboratory died of seizures and profuse bleeding after being exposed to UFO crash debris and fluids from the occupants13. The document also suggests that current medical equipment is insufficient to deal with an outbreak of an alien virus13.
Potential Correlations and Scientific Explanations
The potential correlation between the SAA and unexplained phenomena requires further investigation. Some scientists speculate that the SAA’s effects on the Earth’s magnetic field could create distortions in space-time or influence human consciousness, potentially leading to unusual experiences14. Living in an area with unusual geophysical properties like the SAA might influence people’s perceptions and experiences, potentially contributing to reports of unexplained phenomena. However, more research is needed to establish a definitive link between the SAA and UFO/paranormal sightings.
Comparative Analysis of Sightings
While there is no specific information available on UFO and paranormal sightings within the SAA overlap with South America7 it is important to compare the frequency and nature of sightings in this region with the rest of the continent. South America, in general, has a high number of UFO sightings, with countries like Chile and Brazil being particularly notable15. However, it is difficult to determine if the SAA overlap has a higher concentration of sightings without more specific data.
South America is a region with a rich history of UFO and paranormal activity, with a long history of reported sightings and unexplained events. Jacques Vallee’s research in the region suggests that UFOs may be more than just extraterrestrial visitors and could represent a phenomenon that has been interacting with humanity throughout history. While the SAA’s potential influence on these phenomena remains an open question, the region’s unique geophysical properties warrant further investigation. Future research should focus on gathering more data on sightings within the SAA overlap and exploring possible correlations between the SAA and unexplained phenomena. By combining scientific rigor with an open mind and considering the cultural context of these sightings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries surrounding the SAA and its potential connection to the unexplained.
Works cited
1. South Atlantic Anomaly – Wikipedia, accessed February 25, 2025,
2. Jacques Vallée and Jeffrey J. Kripal challenge the limits of knowledge – Document Journal, accessed February 25, 2025,
3. Confrontations: 9780345365019: Vallee, Jacques: Books –, accessed February 25, 2025,
4. JACQUES VALLEE Contents, accessed February 25, 2025,
5. Jacques Vallée – Wikipedia, accessed February 25, 2025,
6. Insane South American UFO Encounters – YouTube, accessed February 25, 2025,
7. UFO sightings in Brazil – Wikipedia, accessed February 25, 2025,
8. Varginha UFO incident – Wikipedia, accessed February 25, 2025,
9. 11 Haunted Places in South America: Exploring the Paranormal | Documentaries, accessed February 25, 2025,
10. Peru’s haunted landmarks – Mysterious Adventures Tours, accessed February 25, 2025,
11. Haunted Destinations in South America, accessed February 25, 2025,
12. The most terrifying Latin American ghost stories | Localish – YouTube, accessed February 25, 2025,
13. UFO Sightings in Latin America – Espooky Tales, accessed February 25, 2025,
14. Weird behavior in Earth’s magnetic field over South Atlantic dates back 11 million years, accessed February 25, 2025,
15. 10 places to see a UFO around the world – Lonely Planet, accessed February 25, 2025,” –
Other References
Other articles exist in draft or final format on the website:
There you go.
People will say, “correlation” does not imply causation.
But there you go.
While it’s true that the CIA was also stomping around in the area faking UFO and paranormal events for political reasons at the time, there was ALSO a detachment of scientists studying this very correlation. Well, at least that’s what I am told.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain