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At first the ‘demiurge’ (Jung’s shadow) ‘black sludge monster’, the Wendigo, the
99% of the universe that is Plasma, “Kundalini” thinks that it’s the creator, but it
is in fact the created.

But without it, intelligence at least would never have evolved.

The ‘Plasma layer’ (‘the Demiurge’) is required for humans to be much
of anything.

It’s the mycelial transport system between worlds.

All those thoughts that strike us, are not our own, but belong to the
10 to the 500th power quantum computer in the Universe-wide plasma.

When we claim the thoughts as our own, we are ‘imprisoned’.

But when we gain Monadic awareness of the situation, we see that
those thoughts, that plasma sheathe is OUR mutual creation
As Monads.

(you can view the Monads and AWARENESS as the Pleroma
If you wish, as a metaphor.

And while we despise it, while we run from it (the pain of existence)
We are indeed TRAPPED LIKE THE RED QUEEN by our own creation.


Kevin Cann
Public Domain