The famous CIA Remove Viewer Joe McMoneagle said that if the sun was above the horizon that
the accuracy of remote viewing is much reduced.

Well, DUH.

Humans are in a symbiotic relationship with cold plasma and also cold, ‘dark’ plasma.

The plasma/bio layer extends an average of 2 feet around people..
(the bio layer is bacteria, viruses, dead skin cells, etc).

If this layer is hit by UV light (a ‘disinfectant) ‘psychic ability

Sure it’s ‘liminal times’, but it’s also UV avoidant times.

UV light particularly greatly interferes and weakens with this symbiosis.

This is why ‘twilight’ and ‘3 AM’ and just before down are very special times for all
‘psychic, RV or magical things’.

I bet that Joe only knew the time-dependence, but had no idea as to the why.

Kevin Cann
Public Domain