The Devil Went Down to Georgia

I’m slightly embarrassed around 1/2 my friends, as they are musicians, and in general I don’t like music.
[Space included to allow you to be shocked, dismayed and horrified]

They often say, “but you can FEEL what’s REAL, what’s Important – you can TRANSCEND.”

To which I reply, “But I hear the song of ALL already, and human music is noise in comparison that blocks it out.”

Now, I’m not ALWAYS snooty about human music.

There are a couple songs that are beyond FRIPPIN TRASCENDENT BEYOND TRANSCENDENT.

One of them is “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Well at least it is for me.

The song for someone who doesn’t like music. The song basically ‘steals my soul’ (metaphor)
and it is welcome to it, just bring me this song on endless loop.

Did you know that this was a ‘filler song’ that was never intended to amount to anything?

Did you know, that Mr. Daniels keeps many spare violins with him during every show,
as he burns through a new violin more than once in a concert!

Mother F*****G G*d, that M*ther F*cker can play the violin!

Here’s the Video for your pleasure.

Kevin Cann

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