Really Sentient Plasma is just like Fungus, it’s been a part of humans since FOREVER. But I’ve been mostly ignoring it,
wanting to focus on the basics of Platonic Surrealism, namely POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and PRIMORDIAL
CONSCIOUSNESS, and the ‘Yoga’ of living with our true selves.
But I’ll also need to address ‘Sentient Plasma’ as it’s likely ‘Dream Substance’, and while I just don’t like getting bogged
down in the physics of just one world, I’m finding it would be of value to further describe ‘Dream Substance’ and it’s
link with the ‘Sentient Plasmas’ that live in our bodies, that some call Chakras.
I know that I’m springing this on you all of a sudden, and my apologies.
It has taken a supreme act of concentration to document all the material that I’ve remembered so far, and I was almost
thinking that I could maybe ‘retire’ from writing?
But my ‘muse’ is a cold and heartless bitch (and yes, I love her) and I see her ‘stamp her foot’ and I wonder when I
die at the age of 83, if I will be found DOK (an Information Technology term meaning ‘Dead on Keyboard’).
But it IS fascinating stuff.
Kevin Cann