I mean, people who are useful ”assets” to various groups.
The Military Intelligence Complex
The Military Intelligence Complex (I don’t mean industrial) just love certain ‘Super Experiencers’.
The reason for this, is that some experiencers, especially the ones who have suffered much, are easily manipulated and WEAPONIZED to support a human-desired narrative.
The desired narrative has these elements:
- It promotes the idea of nuts and bolts UFOs being the primary reality, although the Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis has functionally been discredited by serious researchers, at least in it’s most simplistic form.
- It marries nuts and bolts UFOs with a form of religion that might have broad appeal.
- It would have apocalyptic or ‘future golden age’ memes.
The reason for this agenda being desired is as follows:
- Certain parties in the UFO Deception scheme wish to form their own ‘UFO religion’ and thus tap the power of credulous people
to obey them. Ever since Constantine weaponized religion as a tool for the state in the Roman Empire, secular power factions
have been most jealous. It’s as they say, “”Give me control of a child until he is seven, and I will show you the man.”
– Benjamin Disraeli.
So one of the best ways to ‘get them young’ is to use cold war power narratives and other disinformation and to stuff it
into movies and comic books. This UFO ‘nuts and bolts / UFO Religion cover story is a multi-generational
disinformation campaign’. - The people pushing these societal-manipulation narratives, have their own internal factions; the the military-intelligence-industrial faction thinks that they are ‘playing’ the Christian nationalist faction, and the Christian nationalist faction thinks that they are ‘playing’ the military-intelligence-industrial faction. And in truth, there are sub-factions of ‘the Phenomenon’ that is actually ‘playing’ both of those factions.
- There are other people, not participating in this Christo-fascist-military-intelligence-industrial complex (Wow! that’s a mouthful), who are either being gently ‘played’ by factions of ‘the Phenomenon’ or who are somewhat conscious and active participants in what they are doing. This latter group includes some of the ‘invisible college people’, and the newly forming ‘visible college’ (some academics, shamans and super-experiencers to name a few).
And there are people who have discovered elements of the Christo-fascist-military-intelligence-industrial complex and are caught up in the drama of that situation.
So, here’s the video, to which this is a response:
Kevin Cann