Reaction: He’s Been Inside a UFO

A reaction to this video: Former Director of UFO Program Has Been OUTED

There’s an absolute LUST for either a physical skydaddy or skybrother to come save us, or of course real, you can touch them ‘physical nuts and bolts UFOs’, presumably so that we can rape and  pillage them for their technology and solve all our problems without the bother of having to become better people.

Now some people like Eric Davis and some people don’t.

In this particular case I value his testimony as he says that he’s been ‘inside a UFO’ and there were no engines, no power systems, no controls — nothing. AND THAT is the real way of it; an actual honest report about the ‘UFO reality’. It’s one of the rarest things in the entire world, an actual honest report, that doesn’t slather the false narrative of ‘nuts and bolts UFOs all over it, to make it more socially acceptable. (As people accept ‘craft’. But they would NEVER accept ‘what UFOs’ really are. People have been in denial about that for thousands of years.

Now this is not a one-off. In older reports from the United Kingdom, you hear similar stories about ‘craft’ that either have no components, controls or systems of any kind, or people see mismatched ‘cartoonish’ ‘knobs’ and such that when turned do nothing.

The ‘nuts and bolts is the COVER IMAGE.

Which BTW, makes certain Life Forms just absolutely giggle in delight and roll on the floor with hysterical laughter; this indeed
is why ‘my’ ‘Black Triangle UFO’ that I summoned had ‘rivets’. Magical ‘rivets’ all over the thing, that always maintained the
same size, no matter if the ‘craft’ was right over my head (like it was at one point) or near the far horizon over the highway.
The ‘rivets’ never changed size.

Now I was ‘in on the joke’ already, about the rivets, but it was FREAKING AWESOME to have nuts and bolts UFOs
humorously debunked right in front of me.

And YES, if there hadn’t been like 10 different high-strangeness proofs, if it had been a stupid lump of metal with primitive
science type stuff in it, I would have duly noted that, admitted that, and documented that, and said that I was wrong.

Of COURSE. I’m not a dogmatic religious person — I grow and change and LEARN. I follow the facts wherever they lead.

Now again, for the billionth tiresome time, YES there are ‘manifestations’ of ‘craft’ periodically. Our entire Universe and world here are a ‘manifestation’ in a manner of speaking. A sham of sorts. A really beautiful and special one mind you, a learning opportunity.

But there’s nothing particularly special about a ‘crashed UFO’. Good luck getting any technology out of a solidified thought.

If you look into it, with a fair and open mind, every single human technological improvement has been due to a slow and painful
work effort, usually over decades, where each tiny step is clearly understood and documented. —- NO. Transistors and fiber optics
are NOT reverse engineered from ‘Roswell’.

All this stuff is the silliest nonsense imaginable, and even the big promoters of the Nuts-and-Bolts delusion often have to admit to these truths like Eric Davis did in this episode, albeit very reluctantly.

I’m not disputing that there’s something really POWERFUL and ‘transcendent’ behind all this stuff – there really is.

It’s just not the government, intelligence and industry cover story.

You can’t get more funding for weapons of war, by promoting ‘solidified thought’.

And especially you must hide the fact that humans are far more than they think they are.

The GOAL is to keep humans busy giving their labor to oligarchs and corrupt governments, not to discover their true nature, which would make them largely immune to the really crappy and demeaning machinations of the ruling classes.

Kevin Cann
Public Domain

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