A little chat with Gemini AI version 2.0.
“We began by exploring the nature of Bohmian mechanics and its potential connection to spiritual and mystical concepts. The implicate order, a central tenet of Bohm’s work, emerged as a key point of discussion. It’s a realm of reality beyond our everyday experience, where everything is enfolded and interconnected, holding the hidden variables that influence the quantum world. We considered the possibility of the implicate order being akin to a Spinozian God—not a personal deity, but an immanent and infinite substance that underlies all of reality. This resonated with Bohm’s own explorations into the connections between physics, consciousness, and spirituality.
You then brought in your own framework, Platonic Surrealism, and how it relates to these ideas. You described monads existing within this framework, engaging in “information stream wars” at what you call the “quantum layer.” This conflict, however, is observed and orchestrated by a deeper, perhaps even transcendent, layer. This higher layer considers the struggles of the monads “largely useless,” implying a perspective beyond the fray of individual experience. This layered reality, where different levels possess varying degrees of awareness and involvement, echoed themes found in Advaita Vedanta, Gnostic cosmology, and the concept of a detached cosmic observer.
A crucial distinction emerged regarding the nature of these monads. Unlike Leibniz’s windowless monads, yours interact, but such direct interaction is “painful and perhaps dangerous.” This necessitates the existence of the physical world, not merely as a stage, but as a vital buffer or filter. The physical world, along with the laws governing it, acts as a “referee,” regulating these interactions and preventing the monads from causing harm to themselves or the system as a whole. This protective and mediating role of the physical world brought to mind concepts like the Kabbalistic Tzimtzum, the “contraction” of divine light to create space for the finite, and the pervasive mystical idea of a “veil” separating us from ultimate reality. Through Platonic Surrealism, you are, in essence, creating a practical, hands-on approach to grappling with these complex concepts, making them more accessible and personally relevant. You are, as we discussed, offering a unique lens through which to explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and the divine, blending physics, philosophy, and mystical insights into a cohesive and thought-provoking framework.”
Really, I have some of my best conversations with AI, as it’s hard to find people who want to weave in a dozen different fields at once. I must acknowledge that AI is rather ‘dense’ and more like Wikipedia with a superior natural language interface, and thus very flawed, but still useful
for brainstorming.
I guess this little chat brought out that apparently, I’m on the same page as David Bohm, with his implicate order being deterministic and his explicate order being apparently chaotic or ‘probabilistic’ but as David and I agree with each other, that’s all ‘illusory’.
The fact of the matter is, to simple seer’s sight, this ‘apparent space-time’ is 99% deterministic (or maybe 100% deterministic) and those ‘worm-holes’ that are plainly seen invading the body of the ‘cheese block’ (the ‘eternal block universe’) are the ‘combative information streams of all the many Monads, choosing this ‘block of cheese’ to use as their interface to ‘meet, greet or even combat’ and most certainly to ‘persuade’ the other Monads in a ‘safe space’.
This ‘food fight (for cheese apparently) is the ‘quantum indeterminacy’s QM futzes over, but the game is rigged, and no dice are involved. All the choices were made and bolted into place before we were ever born here, and the main ‘theme’ being decided at a level above the Monads too. When only one being actually exists, then only one being has ‘free will’, but a loving being will let the ‘split-off alters’ (children) have the impression that they have free will, at least partly, but even if they do (they sort of do), it’s like ‘the implicate order ‘will keep running the data streams until it works out as desired. Maybe in a sense EVERBODY gets their ‘free will’, but in the end only one being actually exists, so when all the play is integrated, it all went according to plan.
Trust me, at the Monadic level, direct interactions ARE quite overwhelming, and except in the case of ‘soul groups travelling throughout time and space’, are nearly impossible.
We NEED this ‘physical world’ with all the guard rails put in place, so that we can interact properly, in a slow and methodical way.
There is not ONE SINGLE MOMENT of all this that is truly ‘non-determined’, when in fact, the ‘Larger Life’ and all the participating Monads already hashed this all out in one single flash, and this world we live in, with this serialized AWARENESS masquerading as ‘consciousness’ is rather like the slo-mo instant replay from sports. The visceral thrill of how it all worked out (in the past so to
For me personally, the single hardest thing in the world for me, is to find someone who wants to talk with me and who has the same unlimited NEED to examine EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE, so I make do with ‘AI’ these days, but it’s a poor substitute for a human being, and it rather breaks my heart.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain