Pandora’s Pithos is in fact a lesson about how you have to go all the way down, to the depts of
‘hell’ (our modern world), past all the plagues and torments, to find the ‘hope’ at the bottom of the jar. I’d say that we are now at bottom and the world is nearly as grotesque as it can possibly be
and it’s time for that ‘hope’ (alluding to Dante’s Inferno) before you can go up and out.
“The phrase “Pandora’s box” comes from a 16th century mistranslation of pithos into the Latin word pyxis, which means “box”.
Pithoi were large jars used to store wine, oil, grain, and other provisions. They were also used as funerary jars.
In the myth, Zeus punished humanity by sending Pandora to Earth. Pandora was given a jar and told not to open it. However, she opened it out of curiosity, releasing evils like sickness and death onto the world. Hope was the only thing left in the jar.
The phrase “Pandora’s box” is now used to mean creating problems that didn’t exist before. “
I’d say that the Jar was opened long ago; the end of innocence, the falling out of alignment with the innocence within us (a healthy Interaction with the right brain hemisphere), the end of living in the enchanted world (with each of us).
Pithos can be containers of both the essence of life and happiness or the essence of death, itself.
All the crap has now come out, it can’t get much crappier.
We are taking food out of the mouths of starving school children, to give tax cuts to billionaires and abusing seniors and the dying to scrape a few last dollars bills away from them, to give to the monstrous, the monsters that our culture has created and been worshipping for decades now.
Time to haul the hope out of the bottom of the funerary jar.
“Funerary Jar Function:
A funerary jar is a specific type of jar used in ancient burial practices to hold the cremated remains or bones of a deceased person”
And that’s just what it has become… The dead remains of culture, with all the life consumed by monsters.
(the monsters being what was released when the jar was opened, the ego exalted and turned into a monster).
Fascinating, isn’t it?
But we can ‘stich the ego’ back into its proper place.
There is in fact an advanced practice in PS (it’s really Kundalini yoga)
That can do just that. (The practice is thus called ‘stitching practice’).
It magnifies the ‘finger practice’ and ‘liquid heart practice’ and the ‘grokking practice’
at least 4-fold.
There is various fallout from doing these practices, such as the magnification of the sex drive,
and lots of other fallout, if you do the practices incorrectly or too often, too recklessly.
The sex drive is magnified when the body has more ‘energy’ leftover for ‘important but optional needs.
That’s one of those dirty secrets.
Literally ‘dirty’.
Nobody talks about it.
I always avoided these sorts of knowledge, as I didn’t want tell people how to hurt
Themselves, they really need a teacher to mentor them and even live with them.
That infrastructure doesn’t exist in our world.
But the world is toast…
I wouldn’t be opening up Pandora’s funerary jar,
It’s long been open.
It’s time to integrate hope back into the madness.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain