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Standard Preface

Just in case someone finds this practice in isolation and just stupidly does it without support or preparation, this standard preface will be a part of all such documents on practices.

The main problem that humans have, in how they misuse their bodies, is twofold:

1) They obsess about one of five of their egos, the ‘conscious rational mind’ and block out the other four and the Larger Life of which they are an intimate part. This vastly contributes to their suffering.
This is also the only one of the five ego’s prone to designing and using nuclear weapons. Just saying.

2) They clog up their bodies with stress and pain byproducts, and in particular, their muscles throughout their bodies are tensed up, which causes toxicity in the ‘Dream substance’ generation system, and all sorts of thing are generated (created) — monsters of the Id like in the old movie Forbidden Planet with Leslie Nielson.  In particular this ‘goo’ backs up in the ‘solar plexus region’,
as the Enteric nervous system has 20% of the neurons in the human body, and it gets ‘surly’ (it’s the biology behind Jung’s ‘Shadow’


What religion and spirituality don’t tend to tell you is that ‘spiritual practice’ CAN BE dangerous. Now most people are not manic enough to abuse simple, gentle practices, but some are, and negative consequences can result.

If you are mentally or emotionally unstable, (which would make sense to me — this world is ROUGH on all of us), please work with a licensed professional and/or a cultural support system and don’t just do ‘practices off the Internet’.

Also, doing practices like this will SEND UP A HUGE SIGNAL FLARE to the Larger Life: that you want to make friends with the other intelligences and races out there.

In a normal, sane world this sort of thing would just be standard, therapeutic hygiene that you learn in Home Ec class. Hell, one of my favorite Earths in this Earth Cluster we live in, Earth 919 does just that.

If we weren’t in such dark and desperate times, on the edge of complete collapse, I would never just dump this on the Internet.

So here we go.

The Hidden Anatomy of the Liquid Heart Practice (Theory)

This is not a research paper, so we just mention in passing; all those muscles and clumped up pain products in the body all are ‘wired’ neurologically back to the Sensory and Motor gyrus (also known as homunculus, as it looks like a little man in there, in a way) in both brain hemispheres. By doing the practice you heal yourself, including your ‘shadow’, and start opening the doors to the other four brains that you may not be using much.


You can read about it in the Appendix at the end of the document if you like.

Also, this practice causes your body/mind to dump “Oxytocin”, the ‘cuddle hormone’ into your bloodstream, which is very therapeutic, and which is part of the ‘transcendent mystical transport system’. Here’s a paper on it.

Ok, let’s do the practice!

The Liquid Heart Practice (Practical)

It’s very simple.

Sit quietly in your funk, your ‘failure’, just as you are, no apologies, no striving, no trying to do or be anything (eventually you will live like this all the time, in a total state of love and acceptance INSIDE

  1. Sit quietly. For no more than 15 minutes, then begin the practice.
  2. Feel your heart. Feel it be full of love and acceptance, both towards yourself and anyone or anything that you love. Concentrate on the feeling of ‘gooey’ love. Spend at least five minutes doing this, until you have a roaring gentle fire of cuddly love and acceptance.

  3. Then, transport’ this feeling all around your body, starting at you toes, and work it to every last muscle and pain region in your body. Love your body, every last particle of it. Accept it fully. Do not judge any part of your body in any way. Practice feeling unconditional love and acceptance as if it’s a liquid thing (it is, as it’s a part of ‘Dream Substance).
  • Some parts of the body need special attention. The sexual organs for example. Don’t fret about them being sexual. Don’t fret that you are a sexual being, and probably frustrated about that. Sex is Cosmic. And other than abuse or illegal activity, there is no right or wrong about it, it simply is. Drink in the acceptance. Feel the waves of liquid heart love in this area.
    You may well get sexually aroused. If this happens, it happens, but then move on to the stomach area.
  • The stomach is a special area, as one of our five brains lives here, and the ‘dark sludge monster’ that most of us keep here. (the ‘shadow’). Only it need not be a ‘monster’. Again, feel all the muscles, tensions and pains in this region and let the liquid love bathe this area.
    Totally and completely accept your ‘dark side’. Don’t chastise it. Love it with the liquid heart fluid, Oxytocin and other components. IN PARTICULAR don’t think that you are bathing it in ‘god’s love’ or ‘cosmic mind love’ or any GARBAGE LIKE THAT. THAT IS THE ENTIRE PROBLEM; THE INAPPROPRIATE JUDGING that has caused this part of you to ‘flee to the Enteric Nervous System brain’ and to lurk there sullenly. Don’t’ do that. Accept and love the ‘dark sludge’ and you will feel it morph from a ‘monster’ to a cuddly puppy. It’s true. It will happen, given a little time.
  • Move on to all other areas of your body. Since this is an introductory paper, we won’t get into unnecessary details, as the two most important regions have been discussed.

Do this practice once a day for no more than thirty minutes. Do not cling to ‘results but most people will get good results. I don’t’ care if you are a Christian, A devi-worshipper or a Zen monk. Or a guy working in a call center who knows nothing about this stuff.

Our bodies are a ‘miracle’ and t’s all the religion, spirituality and pain that gunks them up. The solution is not to slather on more of that crap, but to stop doing it at all.

Like the Zen guys say, it’s embarrassing to even have to share this information, or to call it a ‘practice’. And I’m NOT a ‘spiritual teacher’. How embarrassing that would be to put yourself
up on some little throne.

Just stop turning your body/mind into a toxic waste dump; that is what your brother Kevin suggests
and this practice helps.

Hugs and love,

Kevin Cann


(Taken from

The sensory and motor homunculus are maps of bodily sensations and voluntary movements, respectively, represented in the brain. They are crucial for processing and controlling sensory information and motor functions.

Sensory Homunculus

The sensory homunculus is located in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe in both brain hemispheres. It represents the body’s sensory receptors and their corresponding brain areas. The homunculus is an inverted, distorted representation of the body, with larger areas dedicated to sensitive regions like the hands, lips, and face.

Motor Homunculus

The motor homunculus is located in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe in both brain hemispheres. It represents the body’s voluntary movements and their corresponding brain areas. Like the sensory homunculus, the motor homunculus is an inverted, distorted representation of the body, with larger areas dedicated to precise movements like those of the hands and fingers.

Shared Characteristics

Both homunculi share certain characteristics:

  • Contralateral Control: Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. For example, the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
  • Somatotopic Organization: Both homunculi are organized somatotopically, meaning that adjacent areas of the body are represented in adjacent areas of the brain.
  • Non-Proportional Representation: The size of each body part’s representation in the homunculus does not correspond to its actual size, but rather to its sensitivity or motor importance.

Functional Significance

The sensory and motor homunculi play critical roles in processing sensory information and controlling voluntary movements. They enable the brain to:

  • Integrate Sensory Information: The sensory homunculus integrates sensory information from various receptors, allowing for perception and interpretation of sensory stimuli.
  • Coordinate Motor Movements: The motor homunculus coordinates voluntary movements by sending signals to muscles and glands, enabling precise and controlled actions.

Kevin Cann