You know that you are watching UFO Porn when you hear any of these words or phrases:

1. TS SCI.
2. Crash retrieval
3. Biologics
4. Gravitic
5. Contact protocols.

Now it’s not that there are not elements of veracity in some of this material but be warned;
you are probably being conned (if you are asked for money), or long conned (by the

Now, like any good lie, there is often a tiny hint of truth at the heart of such material.

For example, let’s deconstruct those words and phrases:

1. TS SCI.
Yes, this clearance level exists; but it’s the same con game as when a spiritual ‘master’ refuses to ‘put out’ the ‘good stuff’, as ‘you are not ready’. (They are the only ones who are ‘ready’ you know).

2. Crash retrieval
Yes, there are property sets that appear as ‘nuts and bolts’ for some UFOS (Unidentified Fortean Objects) but these are secondary properties, and NOT ACTUALLY OF ANY IMPORTANCE, as it’s the meaning, not the medium that matters.

3. Biologics
Yes, in the late 1940’s apparently, the government captured a young Plasma Lifeform and had tortured it extensively to attempt to ‘reverse engineer it’. If you want to call this ‘biologics’ that’s a stretch.

Also there is another sense in which ‘biologics’ is being used, and this sense is even known by Google Gemini AI! (“Biological effects on humans: This could refer to any observed physical or psychological changes in individuals who claim to have encountered UFOs or their occupants.”

In this sense, it is true; this is when an aspect of the ‘phenomenon’ such as the hitchhiker effect
gets tangled up in someone’s biology, temporarily.

When someone hems and haws about ‘biologics’ this is what they actually mean.

4. Gravitic
Apparently there is a small, unusual effect, but no, THERE ARE NO GRAVITIC-DRIVE SHIPS, human or nonhuman. This is the long-con centered around the ‘Nazi Bell’ misinformation, you know the rotating mercury ring.

Now there ARE Solar and compact Thorium reactors satellites in orbit, that probably are breaking international law, and some half-witted beaming of microwave radiation and experiments with semi-dirigible craft as the target of the beams (to wirelessly recharge them).

But these things ARE NOT ‘gravitic’. You cannot ‘shield from gravity’, unless you can alter the Higgs Field and the Higgs Boson and that takes energy that’s off the scale.

5. Contact protocols.

Yes, you can invite a ‘UFO’ into your life. People do it every day, without even knowing it.
The cost? Free.

Kevin Cann