I ‘Came Out’ on Facebook Today

Time for me to come out of the closet.

No, this is no joke. But I’m not gay, which would be just fine if it were true, but what “I AM” other than being Autistic (which a lot of people hide in a closet too) is something far more cringeworthy

in our culture.

I’m a Metaphysics guy, who has specialized in spiritual and UFO

observations, since i was literally in the womb.

There you go.

I’m one of those really weird people.

I hid it for 31 years when i worked in IT, and I only recently

‘came out of the closet’ in July when i retired from the University of California.

It CAN be dangerous. I mean, religious people get upset with you for challenging their (generally) (from my view of course) — highly

undereducated about world history views.

Now before you think I’m an asshole for talking this way, I’d like to

point out that I’m really much closer to how Jesus would have viewed things, than most Christians these days, as I believe like

Jesus that “the kingdom of heaven is within” and that we should

really love each other, NO BS.

I know that I’ve always lived this way, all of my life —- all of it.

I always stand up for the little guy, even if it gets me beat down.

But I just can’t tolerate the ‘Apostle Paul’ and how he shanghaied

the simple words of Jesus and as a result the Bible spends 26 books out of 27 sucking up to the Roman Empire, whose scribes either directly or indirectly wrote the New Testament.

So yah, Christians tend to hate me, but of course they tend to hate

everyone who doesn’t agree with their very narrow interpretation

of Roman politics.

Heck, Jesus said (paraphrase) ‘don’t hassle the Egyptian magicians

casting out demons in my name’. He wasn’t all hung up at all.

I studied the bible for over 30 years… if something is hateful and world destroying you study it. So I did.

Now the average UFO believer (it’s another religion) really dislikes me too, as they believe that thousands of “Unidentified Fragile Objects’ have come to Earth and crashed, and that we have stolen

their technology.

Only, it’s not true. It’s demonstrably not true.

It’s just another ‘long con’ like most religions are.

There you go; that’s why 3/4 of the world probably loathes me,

though I really do sorta love them.


There. I’m ‘out’.



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