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If you want to think of ‘God’ as being POTENTIALITY, that’s ok, but if you make POTENTIALITY your God, then you are short-changing the Larger Life and yourself. While the closest things to ‘God’ which ACTUALLY EXIST, on a level more real than the laws of physics are POTENTIALITY, AWARENESS and ‘PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS’ (consciousness before it shatters itself into the
many worlds), that’s at least rational.

But that (and this is sort of funny) ACTUAL ‘trinity’ of POTENTIALITY/AWARENESS/PRIMORDIAL CONSCIOUSNESS is like the ‘coolest dad ever’ who lets you take the keys to the convertible as a teenager to go to drunken sex parties, whenever you want.

There is only unconditional love, and everything is “ontologically equivalent”.

There is no heaven to strive and kill for, (when you judge someone a ‘sinner’ you do violence to their essential ‘divinity’). There is no afterlife to worry about, though many ‘afterlives’ do exist; the ‘pre-lives’ also exist, and in fact, that which you are part of LIVES FOREVER, in all it’s forms and splendor CONCURRENTLY.

This life may ‘suck’ from the limited perspective of daily consciousness, but that which powers you is a ‘King’ one reality over, and an even worse pauper the next one to that.

All these Monads which power everything (Monads being the minimal unit of being from outside of and on the border of time) are like the starting points and shepherds of nearly infinite numbers of streams of information/consciousness and individual little lives.

We are like single cells in a vast, vast body.

And some of those cells are having a very good time indeed, and others are hurting. But overall, the Monads feel the net net of all those little lives,

The one and only problem with this, is that quite a few of the ‘little lives’, the ‘cells’ are paying a heavy price, so that everyone else can have a good time. From the limited perspective, it doesn’t seem very nice at all. In large part, this is one of the primary things which Platonic Surrealism is dealing with. Like in those old stories from Hindu and Buddhist lore, ‘the gods’ need to learn from the Sages. This is one of the things that they need to learn. Listen up Monads!

Now, the Catholic saints figured out a dodge for this; by causing themselves NEAR INFINITE SUFFERING, they COMPELLED their Monads (each person is usually powered by multiple Monads) to notice them, one tiny cell in that vast body.

That’s the reason for the self-flagellation and constant self-imposed suffering; that and the facts that when you suffer greatly, you do not focus upon your ‘false elf’ (your social ego), and also when you suffer you release a great amount hormones such as cortisol, which cross the blood brain barrier and can be ‘ridden’ as a transit system, by consciousness lower I the body to the brain.

I for one had a lifetime of intense suffering, and I’m done with that. That strategy DOES WORK but it’s a total shit-storm way to get attention from your ‘upstream self’. There are better ways to do that, but this paper is not about that, that is covered elsewhere.

This paper is about how, in our recommendation, you might give up perpetuating the thousands of years of suffering, caused by defining ‘god’ and/or ‘the devil’.

A Few Technical Terms from

“The concepts of the Id, Ego, Superego, and the Shadow are fundamental to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Here’s a breakdown:

The Structure of Personality

Freud divided the human personality into three main components:

1. The Id

  • The most primitive part of the personality, present from birth.
  • Driven by the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification of needs and desires.
  • Operates unconsciously, without consideration for reality or social norms.

2. The Ego

  • Develops as the individual interacts with the environment.
  • Mediates between the demands of the Id and the demands of reality.
  • Operates on the reality principle, seeking to delay gratification until it’s safe and socially acceptable.

3. The Superego

  • Develops as the individual internalizes societal norms and moral principles.
  • Incorporates the individual’s sense of right and wrong.
  • Strives for perfection, often leading to feelings of guilt or shame when the individual fails to meet its standards.

The Shadow

The Shadow is a concept developed by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who built upon Freud’s ideas. The Shadow refers to:

  • The repressed or hidden aspects of the personality, often containing qualities deemed unacceptable or unpalatable.
  • A repository for the individual’s dark impulses, such as anger, jealousy, or lust.
  • A part of the unconscious mind that can influence behavior and emotions, often in unexpected ways.

The Shadow can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • Projections: attributing one’s own undesirable qualities to others.
  • Denial: refusing to acknowledge or accept one’s own flaws or impulses.
  • Hidden agendas: acting on motivations that are not openly acknowledged.”

Understanding the Id, Ego, Superego, and the Shadow can provide valuable insights into human behavior, motivations, and the unconscious mind.”

Now Freud got the Id a bit wrong, and Jung improved the concept a bit better with his ‘shadow’, but in short, the concepts are pretty good.
You can learn more about these parts of yourself, if you pay attention.

Let’s Start with the ‘Devil’

Now as is well documented in standard modern religious scholarship, there never has been an actual ‘devil’. Sorry C.S. Lewis. Sorry Christian Apologists. Now it is acknowledged that in the Hebrew scriptures there was an office in the divine hierarchy for the ‘accuser’, the ‘devil’s advocate’, someone who totally obeyed the Hebrew God, and it was his job to be a ‘stinker’, but he wasn’t evil and only obeyed ‘God’ by torturing people for God upon command. Like Job, but others as well.

The modern concept of a devil only solidified in the 300-400 ACE (AD) time frame, as it was a necessary philosophical foil, as if you want to break people, then ‘save them’ (it’s standard cultic mind control tactic), you need a bad guy to save them from. And bad people to vilify, like the Jews. So that’s what the Catholic Church did, they grabbed an image of an innocent nature spirit from Paganism (the simple beliefs of farmers),
Pan, and made him into the boogey man, the Devil.

Now also, people have created the ‘fallen angel lucifer’, and that horrible mistranslation from the Latin Vulgate manuscript, turning the ancient King Nebuchadnezzar II, into some ‘fallen angelic being’.  This is all off-the-shelf STANDARD modern scholarship, not even controversial.

So, no Devil, and No Lucifer.

Who is this ‘Devil’ then?

Why he’s what you create, when you don’t love your brother, and you let all this negativity and rage accumulate in your ‘Shadow’, in your ‘solar plexus’ in your ‘sludge monster’ (that’s what Platonic Surrealism calls it).

You take your innate dream substance that you generate automatically, and you stuff it into your unconscious spot of maximal frustration and victimhood, and you ‘create the devil’.

Humans have been creating the ‘devil’ together for a very long time now.

And all these ‘little devils’ sometimes congregate into this giant mass of frustration, confusion and rage, and it’s THIS force that RARELY people encounter as ‘the Phenomenon’, which is actually multi-faceted and accounts for a large ecosystem of beings. This is just one tiny corner of it.

If you embrace your true nature, and heal yourself, you will stop contributing to this racial mistake of comprehension and the world will be a better place.

It’s also important to note, that if you wish to become MORE CONSCIOUS OF THE LARGER LIFE,
then one of the first things you need to do, to clean out the ‘drip pan’ in your body (the ‘Sludge Monster’ reminds one of the ‘evil sludge monster’ from that early episode of Star Trek the Next Generation that killed Tasha Yar.

If you don’t heal your ‘shadow’, then as you accumulate more and more coherent ‘Dream Substance’ due to doing ‘spiritual practices’ or even just living more robustly, no meditation stuff is even required, it just gets stronger.

On to ‘God’

Remember how we all contribute to creating ‘the devil’, and how it gets stuck in our ‘id’, a part of our unconscious, the ‘shadow’?

‘God’, the human-created ‘God’ as defined by spiritual and religious systems is a similar creation, with the majority of it getting stuck equally between the Id, Ego and Superego, but definitely congregating in the Shadow (the nasty parts , sin, suffering, death, retribution against people who disagree with you, and who you try to send to hell), and in the Ego (when you ruminate on ‘God’, AND most powerfully in the superego’ what culture, spirituality and religion program into you as a child, before you can defend yourself from the misinformation.

Yes, ‘God’ does exist, as a kind of ‘sludge monster’ made of the “Dream Substance” that people create, and it often tries to appear as an ‘angel of light’, or these days ‘UFO’, but it’s not that much different from ‘the Devil’. It’s just another malformed creation from pain-ridden and confused human beings.

Now, can there be almost ethereal and beautiful ‘God concepts’ that are nothing like this? Yes,
they also exist. Like Buddhas in the Pure Lands sort of entities. Devas. “Beautiful angel like beings.

They DO exist, and these too are a faction in ‘the Phenomenon’.

The ‘Phenomenon’ is the land of the Imaginal (the real-ish like power of the super imagination’) and the land of the dead, (the remnants from lives are leftover ‘Dream Substance’. This is why the land of the dead and the land of faeries and ALL OTHER IMAGINAL/DREAM SUBSTANCE entities are so similar and share the same ‘land’.

I feel very sorry for this ‘God’ and give all my love to this ‘God’. This is the ‘God’ that attacked me at various times in my life, sometimes in the guise of the ‘hitchhiker’ effect from Skinwalker Ranch
to give one example. When I was studying Gnosticism, it came to me as ‘the Demiurge’. Both forms were the same, doing telekinetic tricks, possessing animals and people and electronic devices. It can be a very nasty time.

But when I learned the true nature of this part of the ‘Phenomenon’ and promised to act as a ‘Sage’ to it, being loving and considerate and supportive, but not taking ANY OF ITS SILLY SHIT, it became
a purring kitten. A friend.

Again, let me be very clear. I’m discussing ALL the human-created Gods, the ones which wouldn’t exist if we couldn’t speak and tell stories and write things.

There ARE the REAL underpinnings to REALITY, but they don’t want to be worshipped either.

They are YOU. YOU are THEM.

I hope this clears things up, about ‘God’ and ‘the Devil’.

The Neutral Parties and Other Beings

Yes, ‘neutral beings’ do exist, such as the ‘Fae’ (faeries) the dead from the dreams of the Pre-Indo European cultures from around the world, as one great example. This pool of congregated ‘dream substance’ was not corrupted by the modern ego, superego and Id. It was a more innocent time, and they were more innocent people.

They are lovely people. They hail from all over the world, and in fact some Norse Aenir/Aesir hang out at my house, as they just love my wife, who is Norse.

And Yes, Fungal-based lifeforms are all over the Universe, and Plasma beings; they are simply EVERYWHERE, and are part of the great ecosystem of ‘the Phenomenon as well’.

They have their own agendas and needs.

It’s ok to say hi to your neighbors over the fence, but it would be advisable to heal yourself first,
with Platonic Surrealism or some other method that works, so that you don’t keep creating ‘Gods’ and “Devils’ and then dressing up these neutral parties in your sickening yellow/green coating (that’s what it looks like when people do that).


If you want to love the best and brightest, that’s a wonderful thing. If you want to give deep love to all Monads, that is a fine thing. But don’t take their shit either. Keep them on a short leash.


It is demeaning to do this ‘God’ and ‘Devil’ BULLSHIT.

Stop it! If you know what is good for you.

My most sincere love to you,

Kevin Cann