Nothing is broken. Nothing. Nothing.
There are no Platonic ideal forms (There ARE Platonic ‘non-ideal’ forms).
There are no ‘Perfect Lands’. No ‘Perfect Heavens’.
There are no perfect mind states.
There is no form of time, space or mind to attain.
There is nothing to run towards. There is nothing to run away from, in any absolute sense.
Oh sure, there is MUCH that (to quote the great cultural icon Cartman) that ‘sucks ass’.
Oh so much.
And there is nothing wrong with running away from hungry bears, or dangerous cults or many,
many situations.
Better to stop beating your head against the wall repeatedly, than to ‘transcend the pain’.
Humans were not some divine form that ‘messed up’ and was thrown out of paradise.
There is no sin.
In short,
Though living beings certainly have preferences, and that is fine.
Some of those preferences will wind up creating a lot of pain, and some of those
preferences might have more useful outcomes FOR THE INDIVIDUAL OR THE
SOCIETY. But that is up to those individuals or societies.
Of course ‘REALITY’ is the collection of all voices, all the little lives, all the currents,
We are all part of it.
At the large story level, our little inputs are not visible. (It seems that we have no free will).
Likewise, there are others in our life, such as pets or food animals, who have basically
no free will at all, due to our choices.
Here’s a good summary:
Without ‘brokenness’ there would be no ‘individual’ beings.
It means that everybody gets a voice, an input, a ‘ticket to ride’.
If any world makes something too ‘perfect’, that state would be hell to a large percentage of the
population, and those people would be marginalized, reprogrammed, exiled or killed.
One you understand brokenness, and ONLY when you understand ‘brokenness’, an enormous weight is lifted from your shoulders.
You can’t possibly do anything wrong. You don’t need saving in any way.
You no longer have a driving need to ‘force re-incarnate’.
You no longer need to chase enlightenment or other silly spiritual games.
You no longer need to wonder who you are (‘apparent, but not actual brokenness’ is the entire field of being,
that AND AWARENESS. You do need to understand that you are AWARENESS.)
You can’t exist, you can’t understand that you are the APPARENT BROKENNESS, unless you understand that you are
AWARENESS ITSELF. Not just ‘personal’ AWARENESS, as there is really no personal, but COSMIC AWARENESS.
Right now, this AWARENESS you feel IS COSMIC AWARENESS. There is only one AWARENESS.
Now, admittedly for a long time, you don’t realize that you are playing hide and go seek with yourself, you being
PURE COSMIC AWARENESS. YOU are absolutely silent, so that you don’t realize that you are YOU.
Or there would be no game. No life.
Ponder this. It might be all you need to experience your WHOLENESS.
Now that experience is not MANDATORY or even PREFERRED by ‘the Universe’.
But yes, it is a very pleasant thing to feel so connected, as YOU ARE SO CONNECTED.
It will happen.
This experience.
But don’t lust after it or chase it, or you chase it away.
Like a delicate butterfly cannot endure strong wind gusts.
I hope that helped.
Platonic Surrealism is ‘APPARENT BROKENNESS + AWARENESS’ which is the ground of BEING.
Kevin Cann
Public Domain