So, one of my favorite stories, is that I was 12 years old, and while I had lived ‘with the golden glow,
the silver torrents’ my entire life, form the womb and with ‘the Phenomenon’, something really changed again
when I was 12. Suddenly I was on a tear. It all began in November of 1973, on the day that Alan Watts died give or take.

Platonic Surrealism says that humans are COLONY CREATURES, and that ALL OF US are ‘imbued’ with the data
information streams Of generally MULTIPLE Monads.

For myself, CURRENTLY (it’s always changing for all of us), I feel that some of the major Monads that animate
Alan Watts (all forms are eternal you know, nothing ever stays dead), Nietzsche and Plato want to spend time with
me, and that is fine.

But back to when I was 12. I ran out and found a book by Alan Watts. I’m not even certain which one it was, other than
it was about Zen.

So I started reading it, and like 10 pages in Alan said, “Don’t listen to other people’s words, experience things for yourself.
Realizing how right he was, I immediately shut the book and set out to experience everything, to have no barrier prohibit

So really, that set the coarse of my life. Well that, and Fungus of course, Kundalini and a few things like that.

But really, Alan Watts seemed to be part of me.

I have read one (1) Alan Watts book in 63.5 years.

I’ve been watching a few Alan Watts videos over the past year or so.

And you know what?

In this video, Alan Watts used the word “POTENTIALITY”. I had NEVER heard anyone use that word before, I was wondering
almost if i had invented it, at least in the sense that Alan Watts used it.

So in a sense?

It’s like a say.

I have never invented ANYTHING.

I just write down what I’m told. What I hear. What I see.

Thank you Alan, you are part of me, and I am part of you.

Here’s the Video, and it’s totally excellent.

It is a bit of a primer for Platonic Surrealism in a way, but with his unique charm.

Kevin Cann